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Warhammer 40K: The Best Armies in 10th Edition – Post Munitorum Field Manual

4 Minute Read
Oct 21 2024

Goatboy here with Warhammer 40K’s top armies headed into the end of 2024. The Munitorum Field Manual has given us these winners!

We had a nice Meta shift this week for 40K with the updated Munitorum Field Manual.  It is also interesting to see that GW talked about further updates coming (most likely included with the Death Watch update they talked about).  Still we had a big shift in the game’s meta with some small FAQ shifts and really a big push to use points to “balance” some of the current too good armies right now.  Either way let’s talk about what will be the best armies right now.

Now I don’t think will see an enormous shift of armies being good or bad.  The update didn’t really fix some of the rules that are currently causing issues (like having too much Faith) but it does cut some things down a bit.  It also did some things to try and curtail some armies that were shaping up to be an issue later (Dark Eldar maybe?).

1. Sisters of Battle/Adeptas Soritas

This Sororitas army is still going to be good.  Yes a lot of things that were too good got point hikes – but a ton of stuff that wasn’t used stayed the same.  This just means the army will shift in unit choices, gather some more tanks, and just continue crushing people with Faith Dice and other nonsense.  The biggest loss is those players painting Saint Katherine are going to need to just stop painting that, go grab some Exorcists, and get ready to play a tank based army.  Oh and it will stay Bringers of the Flame most likely as just getting Assault weapon tanks means these guys are going to go all over, shoot the crap out of you, and just remove your models.  We’ll see how effective having all those Sororitas tanks will be.

2. Chaos Space Marines

Look I know the Accursed Cultists and Dark Commune got hit but a ton of other units went down in cost, which means this very deep codex can look at all sorts of other things.  The shift on the Obliterators is huge as well as many, many other units being strong in the CSM codex.  I think this army will again shift to a much more aggressive shooting army mixed with powerful troop choices that can gum up the table a bit.  While you might not take three units of Accursed Cultists you could just use one to help push things out, cover the tabletop a bit, or just have a rough reserve choice.  I think this army still can just explode with so much damage as well as having two really powerful Shooting Box options in the Predator and Vindicator.

3. Necrons

Yes some things got hit but the current Hypercrypt  builds did not get touched at all.  The biggest hit is the  change to Secret Missions and how the army used to just oops grab 20+ points Turn 5.  Now this army has to actually play the game more during the game and that is ok as Hypercrypt is powerful.  Yeah the changes weren’t the best but the other “good” armies got hit harder and this means this army is going to show up more.  Necrons will also win a lot more too.


4. T’au Empire

Yeah man T’au didn’t get hit which means the shooting army dream will stay strong.  They will continue to wreck you with shooting, have a ton of fast moving stuff, and probably feel like there are too many guns on the tabletop.  If your events don’t have a ton of terrain these guys are going to wreck your day.  Just not having a ton of changes and updates means this army that was previously good, continues to be good as all their bad match ups got nerfed hard.

5. Grey Knights

Hey the Grey Knights got point drops and that’s it.  The other up and down army this one now ends up having more space for Terminators and other fun things.  This could be really helpful as having a ton of thought bodies on the table can be a nightmare for some armies to get through.  The big ole board control armies got hit so now you have a ton of room to get around, drop some damage, and just continue throwing those dang Psychic Gang signs all over the table top.  Just having it get a slew of point drops on cool units makes this a lot more of an interesting army now on the tabletop.

What do you think?  Are these going to be some of the top lists in the game?  Are you going to be worried if you get to the tabletop and see a parking lot of Sisters in front of you?  


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