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Warhammer 40K: The God-Machines of Slaanesh

5 Minute Read
Oct 9 2024
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Long ago, the Dark Prince had Knights and even Titans sworn to his twisted service. One day the God-machines of Slaanesh may return.

God-Machines of Slaanesh Arrived in 1995

With all things Emperor’s Children and Slaanesh being the talk of the town, we are going way, way back to White Dwarf 190 from October of 1995. Here we discovered the EPIC scaled mechanical daemon-powered monstrosities of the Dark Prince. We have four abominations to go through, two titans and two knights. Also, check out that free House Orlock ganger included in the magazine – NICE!

Let’s start off our journey into Slaanesh Titans and Knights with this lovely EPIC battle scene of Fulgrim, the Dark Prince’s God-Machines, and Emperor’s Children infantry facing some Imperial Guard.

Subjugator Scout Titan

The Slaanesh Subjugator is a Daemon Engine of Slaanesh. This giant walker is incredibly swift, able to move quickly and still use its weapons. This construct is armed with both sonic weapons, so typical of the Emperor’s Children, and with the sinister, psychically-powered Tormentor Cannons, that unleash the energy within the walker to kill the victims with unbearable agony, leaving their bodies charred by the twisted energies. As hard as it is to believe, the Subjugatot is even more skilled in close combat; it is equipped with two Hellslicer Battle Claws, killing everyone daring to face this torture device.

And yet, the Scout titan is not unstoppable. While the awesome power of its weapons might pin entire squads down, those brave enough to face it will find that its armour is no better than that of a Dreadnought, ending the pleasure of daemons far quicker than they would have wanted.


Questor Scout Titan

The Questor Scout Titan is a Slaaneshi Titan. Slightly larger than a Subjugator and with thicker armor, its powerful legs can still drive it forward at considerable pace. Graceful arms spread from the Questor’s carapace, each tipped with a rapid-firing Tormentor Cannon. It’s battlefield role is to stand off and provide firepower, while the more assult-oriented Subjugators move up and engage the enemies of Slaanesh.

Hell Scourge Knight

The Hell-Scourge is a type of Slaaneshi Daemon Knight. One of the larger types of Chaos Knights, as living machines in the service of Slaanesh, they have crushed countless opponents in the last ten millennia, screeching deafening cries across the battlefield. They are the perfect predators, hunters who mercilessly run down their quarry with the bounding strides of their elegant, powerful legs. The Hell-Scourges attack without warning. As one appears, the enemy turn their weapons on its blurred form, only to see it disappear. At that moment, others attack from all sides, mowing through armour and flesh with their massive Castigator Cannons. Hell-Scourges possess a certain pack instinct and are in constant telepathic communication with each other. As such, they make exceptionally well-coordinated assaults, outflanking their enemies with ease. This telepathic contact seems to encompass all Hell-Scourges present on the battlefield, or perhaps even further.



Hell-Knights are a type of Slaaneshi Daemon Knight. They are one of the most specialized types of Daemon Knights. Aside from Bolters, their main weapon is a Thermal Cannon which, albeit short-ranged, has enough power to pierce almost any armour plate with relative ease. Hell-Knights are often used to hunt down enemy Knights and Titans, exploiting their speed to attack from the sides and overwhelm opponents. In addition to this, they are perfectly suited to perform ambushes, and are often used in this respect. In packs, they can even destroy Imperator Titans, as was the case with the Praeco Deictus during the Battle of Kado.

Hell Strider Knights

Hell-Striders are a type of Slaaneshi Daemon Knights. The Hell-Strider is the smallest of the Daemon Knights, but still stands many times the height of a man. These vehicles are extremely mobile, able to flush enemy out of defenses with their powerful short-ranged weaponry. In sufficient numbers, Hell-Striders can even hunt enemy Titans, picking off their prey’s shields with their Lascannons, before closing in for the kill with their melta-beams.

Slaaneshi God-Machines Miniatures & Rules

Take a look at the original God-machines of Slaanesh minis from way back in the EPIC days:

Next take a peek at the old EPIC damage tables for the  Subjugator and Questor. Note the unusually heavy armor for a Scout-class titan on the Questor’s front arc, making them quite stubborn opponents to knock out.


Now take a look at the old Apocalypse Datasheet GW put out for the Subjugator back in 2008. The big question is “Do you think it could take a Warhound?”

Chaos Warlords of Slaanesh

Last but not least, we have the Chaos Warlords from old EPIC in the 1990s. GW didn’t have specific rules for a Slaaneshi one, but they most certainly did exist in the lore, and on the tabletop. Take a look at this page of metal bits you could use to dress up your plastic Warlords back in the day and take particular note of these bits:

  • Battle Claw (Center Left) – with a very Slaaneshi crab claw if I ever saw one!
  • Chaos Titan Tails – take your pick!
  • Slaanesh Head (Lower Left) – giant eyes and wow is that a tongue!

~ If the Subjugator could get 40K Apocalypse rules – and Chaos Knights are now in 40K, it’s only a matter of time for GW to give the upcoming Emperor’s Children some really ‘eavy metal.

The Knight Abominant already has the whips… it just needs some pink paint, a Slaaneshi head and you’re ready to party!


Author: Larry Vela
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