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Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Munitorum Field Manual Changes

4 Minute Read
Oct 17 2024

Goatboy here with the top 5 things I saw change from the brand new Warhammer 40K Munitorum Field Manual.

OMG, we got a slew of updates to refresh 40K a bit.  I don’t know about you but it has felt like ages since we got a true update of sorts.  I think the lack of new army codexes or new releases has really left us 40K players feeling a bit lost.  Of course if you go back in the past and the old days of years between releases this is still a faster schedule – but us addicts need our Grimdark nonsense on a non-stop drip feed to feel anything.  Let’s dive in and go over the top 5 things I saw change from the Munitorum Field Manual.

5. Points Changes Nerf Top Armies

There are lots of point shifts to try and curtail some of the stronger armies.  I don’t know how much it will shift things as I expect some of those armies with deep rosters will just shift how they are built but we’ll see.  The nerf-bat hit the Sisters, Thousand Sons, small nerfs to specific CSM builds, Dark Angels, and then some Space Marine pieces that showed up in Dark Angels options.  You could also see some shifts in Black Templars as well as overall there are a ton of shifts to things to try and remove some of the rougher pieces to the game.

4. Blood Angels Did OK!

The new Blood Angels points were actually pretty dang good.  We saw a lot of good shifts in point costs going down, matching other Space Marine options, and just feeling like the army isn’t dead on arrival.  This isn’t like the initial batch of Dark Angel points and instead feels like you have some leeway in how you build your Blood Angels.  Heck my initial army seems fine which is great as I started painting the pieces.

3. Last Turn Point Swings Neutered

Secret missions got a much needed update into removing the Turn 5 scoring.  Being able to continue to score and get the Secret Mission meant it was pretty easy to have some crazy points jumps on the last turn as you scored the rest of your Primary and the Secret mission.  I like the idea of shifting the game at the end if needed but wonder if there is a better method.  Still the game has been working better “mission” wise so will just have to wait and see.


3. Surge Moves Rebalanced

Surge moves got all locked in and while a few weren’t too bad there was one – the Accursed Cultist/Dark Commune combo that needed to be looked at.  Now your Surge move is locked into once a phase which is an important thing.  They also tweaked it to where you can’t Surge if already in engagement range (very important to stop some of those bigger units getting more “movement” to engage other things) as well as you can’t surge if Battle Shocked.  These are pretty good shifts and helpful to lock everyone in place.

Adeptus Custodes Forge World Units Survive!

Thankfully none of the Custodes FW stuff got Legend’d so my muscle mommies army is safe to run one of those tanks.  Look sometimes this list is all about what makes me happy and this helps me out.  Now I can start planning on building it, painting it, and writing some articles about how sweet Army Painter stuff is to get this army together and rocking the table top.

What things did you like from the update?  What important things shifted for you?


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