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Warhammer: Monthly Mini & Collectible Coin For November Revealed

2 Minute Read
Oct 28 2024

Starting November 2, 2024, you’ll be able to grab the new monthly miniature and collectible coin from your local Warhammer store.

This month’s collectible coin isn’t for any one faction in Warhammer 40k or AoS. Instead, this one is a special shout out to a particular revolutionary of the gobbo type. That’s right, the one and only Red Gobbo is back with a coin with his face on it.

via Warhammer Community

This month’s collectable coin is a festive surprise – Da Red Gobbo has had his visage minted once again, and these tokens will be the only method of trade and bartering in the revolushonary future. Da Red Gobbo’s A-bomb-inable Snowman is also available for pre-order this coming Saturday, and this coin makes the perfect accompaniment. Ask your store manager how you can get yours.

This is kind of neat nod to the Red Gobbo who like to come out to play around the holiday season anyhow. And, like GW mentioned, you can also snag the new Red Gobbo Collectible miniature, too.

November Monthly Miniature

In addition to the collectible coin up for grabs there’s also the free monthly miniature you can get. This month it’s a Legues of Votann Hernkyn Yaegir.


“In their neverending quest for resources, the Leagues of Votann despatch Hernkyn Yaegirs across the galaxy to mark out valuable planets and establish void stations. Some range around on magna-coil bikes, but the majority hunker down to defend their claims, with stylish coats protecting them from the elements.”

And just as a reminder these miniatures are available while stocks last. Plus, I’m pretty sure the stores just pop a couple boxes of the miniatures and assemble them so you’re mini may differ from the one pictured above.

If you’re curious how to get the collectible coin or your free monthly miniature be sure to pop in to your local Warhammer Store on or before November 2, 2024 to find out how.

Warhammer Store Finder Link



I still need to grab that Blood Angels Combat Patrol…Might be time to plan a trip.

Author: Adam Harrison
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