Warhammer Underworlds: Why The Ruins of Embergard Matter

The new Warhammer: Underworlds setting has a bigger role to play in the story of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
Games Workshop has a tendency to have lot of plot threads dangling for the lore. It makes sense as these stories tend to involve lots of different characters across the vastness of the Mortal Realms. Turns out that not every character is in the same spot. Shocking, I know. Anyhow, Embergard and the ruins of it and now a featured part of the setting in AoS. But why? GW has an explainer to answer that very question.
The Ruins of Embergard
If you’ve been keeping up with the lore then you know the focus of the story of AoS has shifted to the realm of Aqshy — a realm of heat and flame. But more importantly, it’s a realm with rare resources — like the ore known as emberstone. This magical realmstone has some unique properties. For starters, it can boost a warrior’s aggression which is useful in battle. But, perhaps even more importantly, it’s highly combustible. It’s been harnessed as a source of fuel for the Ironweld Arsenal’s technology…among other uses.
A “staggeringly immense vein” was discovered within the Ashenmont mountain. The city of Embergard was founded during the Twin-Tailed Crusade above this vein. This did not end well…
“Unfortunately, even before the Twin-Tailed Crusade had left Hammerhal there was a prophecy going around that one city founded in the campaign would stand, and one fall. Embergard, alas, drew the short straw – by which we mean “was caught at the very edge of the Vermindoom’s apocalyptic, realm-warping blast”.
Suffice to say that the property bubble burst pretty sharpish.”
A New Battleground
Because of the events of the Hour of Ruin, Embergard has become a pivotal battleground. Neither side can allow the other to gain a foot hold and claim the emberstone. With a steady supply of that valuable mineral the scales could be tipped rather easily. At least, that’s the theory presented by GW.
Due to the strategic location and the emberstone this Embergard has become a hot bed of activity. This is also a rare moment in time where the “main story” of AoS and the Warhammer: Underworlds plot thread has intersected this much. Sure, Shadespire may have been caused by the ripples of the Necroquake but Embergard’s story is going to make a difference in the grand war happening between the Skaven and Stormcast/Sigmarites above.
“Embergard is set to be a key battleground in the ongoing struggle for Aqshy. A victory here – even just one significant haul of emberstone being acquired by either side – could shift the balance of power in the Great Parch.”
If nothing else this does present a step forward in the overall narrative of the Mortal Realms. This new battleground is going to shape the theme of the new edition — for both Underworlds and Age of Sigmar. I have a feeling we’re going to be reading a lot more lore about the battles that are raging in Aqshy and the Ruins of Embergard.
I shutter to think what Skaven could do with Emberstone AND Warpstone…