Age of Sigmar: We Need More Faction Terrain Like the Orruk Warclans

The Orruk Warclans are getting new faction terrain and I think we need more of that in general for Age of Sigmar.
I’m a fan of people bringing their own terrain to game nights in general. I think it does a few helpful things for the community and the game overall. That’s one of the reasons I’m a fan of the faction terrain in AoS. The Orruk Warclans are a good example of what can be done.
Orruk Terrain Is The Way
The new Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem aren’t massive terrain pieces. But I think they bring something cool to the army. The concept isn’t unique — these are basically watch towers or raised platforms for a character to stand on. And probably yell. A lot. We’ve seen this before with the Khorne altars. But that doesn’t mean the idea isn’t a good one!
We did it first! ~ Blades of Khorne, probably.
I think the big difference here is that the Orruk one comes with a base. That might not seem like a big deal, but in a game of inches and “creative modeling” I think a standard footprint for this is a good thing.
In fact, I kind of wish other faction terrain had it’s own standard footprints, too. I mean, the kits are all standard. But I mean having them fit on a standard base.
I kind of wanted this to fit on a round base…but it’s also quite large.
Another factor I like about these towers is that they are a lot more “playable” than some of the other terrain kits. Just by looking at them you can see how easy they are going to be to place on the table. They will take up an appropriate amount of room. And I don’t think you’re going to see units getting blocked off by them either.
On the flip side, they aren’t soooo small you can just toss one anywhere. You’re going to have to be a little tactical with it as placement matters. But it’s also not going to screw up your entire movement phase if you put it “in the way” on the tabletop.
The Realmshaper Engine may have been a culprit of “abusive” placement…
I also like the fact that the kit has two different options provided. I don’t know what in-game effects they will have. But I like the option to build them different just for sake of variety. Most of the other faction terrain is just one-and-done style.
This is another piece that really could have used a base…
As time goes on and more factions get terrain pieces for their army I hope GW takes notes from the Orruk Warclans. Cool terrain features that are impressive, take up an appropriate amount of space (are “playable”), and give the hobbyists some options to work with.
What do you think of the Orruk Faction Terrain?