AoS: Idoneth Deepkin Rule the Waves in 4.0

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the wave-riding warriors, the Idoneth Deepkin.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.
While the Lumineth Realm-Lords are Aelves of light, decisive and forthright, their undersea cousins are anything but. These Idoneth Deepkin are grim, secretive creatures, dragging their enemies to the depths or assailing them with terrible creatures from below the waves. They are divided into two “castes”: the noble Akhelians, who ride fantastic sea beasts into battle, and the taciturn Namarti, blind and soulless, who follow their leader’s commands with mindless efficiency. When these raiders break the surface, they do not come for riches or plunder; they come for their enemy’s souls, hoping to fill the aching void in their own.
In the latest edition, the Idoneth are just as ruthless as ever. Fast and deadly, they fall upon the enemy like a tidal wave before retreating to do it all again. The army is a fast, terrifying answer to the usual Aelven battle line. It’s no wonder Morathi tried to get them on her side when she attacked the Varanspire and betrayed Sigmar.
Idoneth Deepkin – The Good: Blood in the Water
The Idoneth Deepkin are one of the most aggressive armies in all of AoS, more so even than Khorne in some cases. While they don’t have the straight powerhouse damage of the Bloodbond or the wave of hits of the Daughters of Khaine, their hit-and-run strategy is not to be trifled with. Like predators of the deep, they stalk their prey, darting in to strike a blow and then retreating out of retaliation range to let their target weaken before returning to finish the job.
The Akhelian King is the perfect example of this tactic. Whenever he charges, he deals mortal wounds AND gets to increase the Rend on his weapons. Considering he already gets a power increase on the charge, that’s a pretty big deal. Best of all, he lets one of your Akhelian Cavalry units fight immediately after, perhaps drawn in by the scent of blood. For my money, I’d say give that hit to the Allopex. Since they benefit from damaged units, you can let the King soften the meat for your shark army.
Idoneth Deepkin – the Less Good: Not Enough Fish in the Sea
The Idoneth have some smaller unit options, but they are primarily an elite strike force. That means you won’t have many bodies on the battlefield to take on your enemies. If you’re fighting a high model army, like Gitz or Skaven, you may have trouble securing objectives. Just make sure you pick your targets well.
How did your favorite faction do?