AoS: Lumineth Realm-Lords Shine Bright in 4.0

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the erudite elementalists, the Lumineth Realm-Lords.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.
Aelves have always been known to be erudite, lofty, and perhaps a bit snobbish. They carry themselves with an air of superiority that, regardless of its truth, can put them at odds with other races. No brand of Aelves exemplifies this better than the Lumineth Realm-Lords. These warrior artists are the product of Teclis’s view of perfection, and they form bonds with powerful elemental spirits, who, in turn, bolster their abilities. They are as unmoving as the mountain, swift as the winds, and deadly as the concentrated power of the sun.
In the latest edition, the Realm-Lords maintain their stranglehold on power, though in a much more balanced way. The Hurakan and Alarith still dominate their relative sections of the list, and the Vanari are just as nasty. They’ve been reigned in a bit, so they can’t do ALL the abilities they used to every turn. They aren’t universally spellcasters anymore, which is both a benefit and a detriment. You’ll want to make sure you utilize all the elements to get the most out of your Realm-Lords.
Lumineth Realm-Lords – The Good: A Tapestry of War
The Lumineth Realm-Lords are devoted to different styles of warfare taught to them by powerful elemental spirits. The Alarith use the steadfast defense of the mountains, the Hurakan follow the speed and ferocity of the wind. The Vanari, on the other hand, are the mainstay of the Lumineth force, and they follow a more esoteric approach. Each of these manifests as a Facet of War, and different units benefit from each Facet differently.
Better than all the Facets, though, might be that passive ability. Lumineth are meant to be able to fight circles around whoever they go up against, mostly due to their speed. To represent this, you get to fight with two units on your combat pick rather than just one. That can be huge if you need to take down a big enemy, soften up a wide array of units, or shunt folks off of objectives. Best of all, since it’s passive, you get this and STILL get to use one of your Facets.
Lumineth Realm-Lords – the Less Good: Choose your Fate…
Like a few other armies before, the Lumineth are all independent pieces that occasionally come together to make a tapestry. However, they’re better off either focusing on one of the temples or focusing full Vanari. That isn’t to say you can’t pick and choose a little, but you might find yourself spread thin.
How did your favorite faction do?