D&D Black Friday Deals – Amazon Discounts, Roll20’s Epic Deals, And Beyond

This year’s Black Friday D&D deals include some of your biggest chances to save on new D&D books, as well as old favorites.
Sound the alarums. Send archers to the watchtowers and gird yourself for savings. The rising tide of Black Friday is upon us, and with it a horde of deals that is nigh-unstoppable. All will be crushed beneath this rolling wave of unfettered capitalism. And the D&D Black Friday deals are no different.
So you may as well get some savings for yourself, if you were going to buy these anyway. If you’re opting out of Black Friday for any reason, I salute and respect you. But if you’re going to be in among the (likely digital) throngs this Friday through Monday and/or Christmas, participating in the Jingle-All-The-Way-Like Massacre (of Prices), then have we got some very specific deals for you. Like these Black Friday D&D deals.

D&D Black Friday Deals – You Encounter A Pack Of Savings, Roll For Initiative
Alright. That’s enough text to satisfy the search engines. Let’s get right to the deals, friends. Starting with the inescapable sludge of discounts that is probably bear macing your delivery driver right now Amazon.

Here’s what Daddy Bezos has to offer you in exchange for being a good little piggy this year:
$10 Off The D&D 2024 (5.5E) Core Rulebook Gift Set – It will probably be a while before the physical books go on sale for much more than this. But if you order on Black Friday, you can save a whopping 6% on the physical 202 Core Rule set, which will ship once the Monster Manual releases in February next year. So it’s delayed gratification – but ten bucks is ten bucks. And honestly, that’s one of the better deals for these core rule books. Even D&D Beyond isn’t discounting them for the holidays.
$100 Off The D&D 2014 (5E) Core Rulebook Gift Set – If you, somehow, by this point don’t have the 5E rules. Or if you only have them digitally and are worried about them one day disappearing from the service that you license the rulebooks from at the moment, then hey, here’s your chance to own the books for extraordinarily cheap. Save ten times as much on the old books. Sure they’re not au courant anymore, but, the game still plays fine. And as D&D Beyond has shown, 5E is the gift that keeps on giving, whether you like it or not.
30-60% Off Most Adventures – The one thing every D&D group needs is a host of adventures. And you can save big on pretty much all of them right now. From Shadow of the Dragon Queen to Phandelver and Below, you’ll find your next quest here.
Roll20 D&D Deals
A much friendlier place to be, and likely the place you’re already playing D&D online. Roll20 is right there in your Discord, even. And their deals are much friendlier too. You’ll find discounts on subscriptions, D&D titles, and more. Specifically:

First things first, this is your chance to save on a whole year of Roll20, with the lowest subscription price for new subscribers on annual plans to date. You can get the Plus Annual subscription for $29.99 (50% off), or the Pro Annual for $69.99 (36% off). Both will get you access to all sorts of features.
Of course, you can also find discounts on the nearly 10,000 titles on sale on the Roll20 Marketplace, including Marvel, Chaosium, and Free League Titles.

But lest we forget, we’re here for D&D Black Friday deals. And boy does Roll20 have you covered there. You can find up to 40% off of most titles. From campaign settings, to adventures, including:
- Curse of Strahd (20% off)
- Princes of the Apocalypse (40% off)
- Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (20% off)
- Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (25% off)
And that doesn’t include the various bundles you can find, like the Other Worlds bundle, which includes Eberron: Rising from the Last War, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, and Acquisitions Incorporated. In a nutshell, if there’s a D&D title you’re looking for on Roll20, odds are good it’s on sale today.
D&D Beyond Deals

And last but not least, you know there’s gonna be D&D Black Friday deals on D&D Beyond. And if you didn’t, you do now, because there are deals a-plenty. What deals, you ask? Well, up to 50% off select titles. Though, as with the others, most are more in the 20-30% range, with a few outliers rising up the total for marketing purposes.
Still, money is money. And a penny saved will do absolutely nothing because pennies cost more to make than they’re worth. But, saving ten bucks here and there makes all the difference. You’ll find discounts on many of the same titles. Including:
- Mythic Odysseys of Theros
- Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
- Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
- Storm King’s Thunder
Happy adventuring!