D&D: Need Some Quick Inspiration? Steal From These Games

Feeling stuck planning for your next D&D game? Inspiration can come from anywhere. Especially these games.
In D&D, inspiration is important. And not just the kind that lets you roll with inspiration. But the actual, hey this makes me think thoughts type of inspiration. The kind that lights a fire in your chest when you sit down to figure out what fresh hells await this week. Or what your next character will be.
That inspiration can come from anywhere. At any time. So if you’re feeling stuck, it can be helpful to find places to get it from. I recommend stealing like a bandit from your favorite and not so favorite books, movies, and games.
Today we’re gonna look at some games that are perfect for stealing from for D&D.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem games, in general, are great for stealing D&D inspiration from. They’re full of fantasy combat and interpersonal drama set against a backdrop of war and intrigue. But Three Houses has a few elements that are especially ripe for the picking.
For one, there’s a very classic plotline of an evil secret society of mages working in the shadows to pull the strings. That’s delicious. But then there’s also the relationships you can let develop between characters. Maybe you steal the idea of a relationship arc and come up with little scenes to show your favorite NPCs getting closer, either to the PCs or each other.
Vampire Survivors
It feels so good to level up. And in Vampire Survivors that’s basically the heart of the game is how fast and how well can you level up. But a chaotic, wave clearing game like that might be hard to pick up for your D&D game, right?
You’d be surprised. Maybe you capture the gel of the various weapons – there are a lot of interlocking systems in VS that could translate to boons granted from an item or even auras or powers a monster might possess. One of the best ways to keep D&D combat freshb is by experimenting with new ideas!
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight is an excellent game. It’s also great for stealing from for D&D, because of its dark fantasy delving vibes. It’s a great example of what crawling through a dungeon can feel like.
Especially since you can help the npcs in town out, rescue new denizens from within the deeps, and discover ever more about what happened. It’s a fantastic template for a mega dungeon—as is any Metroidvania.
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley is a surprisingly deep sim full of digutal crops ripe for the harvest. It’s also perfect for harvesting things for your D&D games.
The town, for instance, is a perfect template for how in-depth you can get with whatever your adventurers are. Not every D&D game has to involve continent spanning treks. You can stay in one area and dig deep.
But also, I’m just saying, steal the farming mechanics. Have your Wizard make magical cheese. It won’t get better than that.
What does a game about illuminating a manuscript and solving a murder in the 16th century have to do with D&D? Not much. Which is Pentiment is perfect to steal from.
No one will see it coming. But also if you’ve ever struggled to come up with “well what do NPCs even SAY to each other” Pentiment is full of all sorts of examples.
What games have you mined for D&D Ideas?