D&D: The Dungeon Master’s Guide Has Rules For Building Your Own Custom Background

Custom backgrounds in the Dungeon Master’s Guide mean characters don’t have to play with WotC’s toys. At least not the ones in the PHB.
Backgrounds play a bigger role than ever in the new edition of D&D. Your background is the source of your stat bonuses, as well as a handful of starting proficiencies and your Origin Feat. With so much coming from just a handful in the PHB, many players decried the lack of customizability.
Well, in the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are rules for creating a custom background. They’re simple. Straightforward, even. And they will open the door to your mildest adventuring dreams.
Custom Background Rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide
Alright, let’s take a look at the Dungeon Master’s Guide and the rules for custom backgrounds. According to the DMG, a character’s background can reflect all sorts of gameplay elements. It might reflect the theme of your world. Or perhaps a unique story for a character.
Whatever the reason, in the DMG, custom background rules give DMs (and players with DM permission) some tools with which to play around. Literally, in some cases.
The rules are pretty simple. First, you choose three abilities that seem appropriate for the background. The DMG recommends Strength OR Dex, Con, Int OR Wisdom, and/or Charisma, which seems like an interesting choice. Maybe to try and keep backgrounds from focusing entirely too much on one side of the ability scores or the other.
Those three stats can be increased per the background rules (either +1/+1/+1 or +2/+1). Then you pick an Origin Feat. Two skill proficiencies, appropriate for the background, as well as a tool proficiency. Finally, a package of equipment worth around 50gp (minus weapons or armor, which come from Class starting equipment packages).
Follow those simple steps, and voila! You’ve got your own custom background.
Happy adventuring!