Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Jet Engine

Games Workshop has a brand new Rumor Engine to chew on. I think we might be seeing the return of something very fast.
Well it might be the week of Thanksgiving here in the United States but that doesn’t mean the Rumor Engine gets a break. That said, this new image could be showing us a really fast way to cook a Turkey! Ya know, if you don’t mind it a little bit beyond extra crispy. But take a look for yourself first.
“We’re not convinced that today’s image is actually a miniature, rather than a window into the inner workings of the Rumour Engine itself. It does look rather like it makes things go zoom though, doesn’t it?”
Rumor Engine – Jet Engine
This looks a whole lot like a jet turbine from an Imperial craft. I’m just taking a wild guess here though. The rest of the design is, well, odd. Here’s an example of what I think it could be:
There’s a whole lot of design similarities between the Rumor Engine and the Stormtalon’s engines. The jet/fan blades, the turbine look, the various casings around the frame. Based on that, I’m guessing this is the intake side of the engine. What’s really interesting are the extra doodads around the engine. There’s some sort of handle or piping on the bottom of the image. And there appears to be plating around the top half.
That said, there’s a LOT of Imperial forces that use a similar design. All the Marines, Astra Militarum, and Adeptus Mechanicus come to mind. Do the Adepta Sororitas have a flyer? Maybe it’s time they get one. And does this mean we’re about to see a new Flyer!?
Okay, maybe not the Mechanicus…
Flyer Rant Engaged
Okay, now I’m a little worried. Look, I’m just going to say it: I don’t like Flying Vehicles in 40k. Not units with the “Flyer” keyword, but basically all the jet-powered aircraft in the game.
To me, they never made much sense at this scale of conflict. Don’t get me wrong: I like (most) of the aircraft as models. What I don’t like is how they are implemented in the game. Most of them are literal jets — and few of those have the ability to “hover” over an area. Basically, I think they would be moving too fast and flying to high to be represented on the tabletop as they are.
There are some examples of aircraft that would be function more like a helicopter does in combat. Those fit better, imo. But the planes, by and large, don’t make sense. Especially the “fighter jets” that are in the game. The ones that move at super sonic speeds, shoot missiles/drop bombs from miles away, and are gone before their ordnance lands. Why are they flying so low over combat airspace?!
And before anyone brings up the AC-10, yeah, I know. But they still left the combat airspace after they unloaded. They didn’t immediately turn on a dime and fly around the battlefield. They lined-up their shots, did strafing runs, and punched out.
Eh, whatever. This is the Grimdark and we’re already having to stretch and suspend our disbelief for the sake of the game on the tabletop. But that doesn’t mean I have to like flyers, specifically aircraft, in 40k.
But Flyrants are cool, right?! Ugh…
Okay, /endrant. What do YOU think this new Rumor Engine is teasing? I think I need to go decompress after this one.
Aircraft in 40k: I Like the miniatures. I don’t like the rules.