Marvel: Crisis Protocol – 5 ‘Grunts’ We Want In The Game

We’ve already got a few Grunts in Marvel: Crisis Protocol but here’s a few more that could help fill affiliations out.
Grunts are a special character type in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Atomic Mass Games did a breakdown of what they are and they’ve popped-up with a few different characters already. The basics are they they tend to be a character that can’t activate on their own but instead must activate with a “parent” character. Most of the time, they are viewed as expendable characters, too. And they often come with some sort of mechanic that lets their parent character bring them back. Basically, they are the faceless goons that get beat-up most of the time and that’s why we want more of them!
Today, we’re going to chat about a few Grunts we’d like to see added — and also the character(s) that could be their parent unit. So let’s quit stalling and send in the cannon fodder!
Wild Pack
So the Wild Pack might be a deep cut but Ben recommended them and I think they fit perfectly with this list. They were first created (in the comic) by Ernst Sablinovia, aka Silver Sable’s father. Their main mission was for the apprehension of international criminals. They also worked on recovering stolen property and occasionally they were loaned out as Mercs. Later on Sliver Sable up their profile and they become quite the mercenary organization. Considering we already have Silver Sable in the game I think the Wild Pack (and their gloriously 80’s look) need to make an appearance!
A.I.M. Troopers
Advanced Idea Mechanics, aka A.I.M. is a well known group with quite the history in Marvel Comics. They are a privately funded think tank — at least on the surface. But if you dig deeper they are a group looking to overthrow the governments of the world and take power. They are probably best known for interactions with M.O.D.O.K. and their battles with the heroes of Marvel. They’ve also had ties with Hydra so they aren’t exactly a group of “good guys” here. That’s all the more reason to have A.I.M. Troopers as a Grunt character. Plus they have a very distinct visual style and would be quite fun to paint! Oh and obviously these A.I.M. Troopers would be available to well.
Orchis is essentially an anti-mutant organization. They are run by some pretty potent characters with their true leaders being Nimrod and Omega Sentinel. However, the boots on the ground are typically these grunts that wear red or black uniforms. For the most part, they are just humans — not unlike the A.I.M. Troopers. Personally, I’d like to see these Grunts show up with a Nimrod or Omega Sentinel pack — I think that would be amazing. Plus, I’d really like to throw them up against a few of the X-Men and see them get beat to a pulp…
You’d be forgiven if you thought that the Purifiers were from a Spawn Comic. Alas, they are not. Led by William Stryker, yes THAT Stryker, they are another anti-mutant group. Unfortunately these bozos have a taken on a whole religious fundamentalists twist. One that includes purging the mutants in pretty terrible ways. Their biggest outing was the story arc of God Loves, Man Kills. It’s an iconic arc from the X-Men run of Chris Claremont. While they seemingly disbanded at the end of that arc, they have made a comeback in recent years. They even had a major role in the Messiah Complex story arc.
This is another group of Grunts that I’d like to have on the tabletop just to beat-up on. I could easily seem them getting a set like the Nick Fury, Jr. box. But this version would have William Stryker and a base of Purifier goons.
Mob Goons
Okay, this one is a bit of a stretch, I admit. But It’s one I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen yet. With the Kingpin in the game already and plenty of other criminals, I don’t know why we haven’t see some generic Mob Goons in MCP yet. Oh, and they could have so many other Mob characters that could be their “parent” character. Hammerhead, Tombstone, Kingpin, Owl, and Diamondback are just a few that spring to mind. If you want to stretch it even further, there’s even Silvermane, The Hood, and Viper who’ve all had mob ties in the comics. The point is, some generic Mob Goons in the Criminal Syndicate would make a ton of sense.
There’s a TON of groups in Marvel with faceless goons we haven’t seen on the tabletop yet. Who would you add?