Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Five ‘Sentinel’ Characters We Need

The Sentinels of Marvel are intimidating machines and they need some help on the Tabletop of Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
Okay, if it’s not obvious by now, I’m a big fan of the X-Men. But I’m also a fan of their rogues gallery. It’s hard to talk about their top enemies without mentioning the mutant hunting Sentinels. While individually they might be manageable it’s the fact that they work together in concert that really makes them scary.
That said, today, we’re going to take a look at five more Sentinel characters that need to come to Marvel: Crisis Protocol in some form or fashion. These are the Sentinels we want in the game!
Master Mold
You can’t really talk about classic Sentinels without Master Mold being brought up. Personally, I’d love to see this character introduced on the scale of a Dormammu or larger. Heck, if Atomic Mass Games created Master Mold as a Terrain Kit that was just stationary, spit out Sentinels all game, and had a ranged attack that could target anywhere on the board, I’d be cool with that! I’ll let the rules designers figure that one out though. That said, this is one of those characters that I’m going to be rooting for until we get one!
Another character that gets mentioned every time Sentinels get brought up is Nimrod. I have a feeling this particular character is much more likely to arrive than Master Mold. What’s really wonky about Nimrod is that there’s multiple versions of him depending on when you want to introduce him. There’s even a version that can multiply. The point is Nimrod is supposed to be the ultimate Sentinel and that’s why we need him in the game!
If the art didn’t give it away, or the fact that I listed the other characters above first, then we need to talk about Bastion. He’s essentially the result of the merging of a Master Mold and Nimrod. Thanks to Nimrod’s timey-whimey shenanigans, along with some weird magic-like stuff (depending on the origin you want to go with) we end up with Bastion. He’s anti-mutant to the core. And if we don’t get a Master Mold maybe we can get a Bastion on the tabletop instead.
Wild Sentinels
Wild Sentinels are going to be the weirdest option on my list here. They are essentially Sentinels made from scrap — be that parts from other Sentinels or it could be from left over junk. They offer a WIDE array of options and really this one might be more for anyone who wants to do conversions and go absolutely nuts. Giant Wild Sentinels were what Cassandra Nova unleashed on Genosha’s mutants that led to the death of millions of them. This would go down as the E is for Extinction story arc.
Omega Sentinel
Okay…so this one is a little weird. Prime Sentinels were a created when Bastion started to “upgrade” regular humans to turn them in to Sentinels. I’m not going to dive into all of Operation Zero Tolerance but these “hybrid” Sentinels were the final form. Sometimes called Bio-Sentinels or Omega Sentinels as well. They can essentially blend in with the population and then attack mutants unexpectedly.
That said, there’s also the character Karima Shapandar also called Omega Sentinel. She’s got a sorted history as she started as a superhero but ultimately turned and joined the anti-mutant organization Orchis. She had a pretty big part to play in the recent story arcs that led up to the end of the Krakoan era. And if that wasn’t enough, Psylocke may have “killed” off her bad side and she’s rejoined the X-Men (Because Comics).
Anyhow, AMG could either do a bunch of Prime Sentinels or Omega Sentinel (the character). Both would be ideal! Anything to fill out the Sentinel roster is good in my book.