Marvel: Crisis Protocol – New Timeline Event Rules Updated for 2025

Atomic Mass Games has updated the Timeline Event rules and Timeline List for Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol has been a lot of fun for me to play around with. I appreciate that the game has different formats and ways to play. There’s even different Game Modes like Ultimate Encounters, Narrative Scenarios, or even Mojo Ball. What I have yet to dabble in are the more competitive formats like Arena or Timeline events. Timeline events in particular are rare because of the amount of players you need AND the level of knowledge you’ll want as a player.
Timeline Events – The Ultimate Test
What makes them so challenging is that the Timeline Format is specifically designed for large conventions. So you need a minimum of 32 players for the rounds to work correctly. They are also meant as the highest expression of skill-based challenge of competitive play. It also forces players to get creative with their lists due to the restrictions placed on them. It’s really a test of game mastery.
“Timeline events introduce unique roster restrictions that have players build 3 Rosters, with 30 unique characters, from the current legal Timeline. Players use all 3 Rosters during the event, swapping between them in a prescribed order.”
These Timeline Events aren’t a “new” way to play. They aren’t even there to “replace” standard play or even competitive play. They are just a different way to engage with Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
“If Timelines sound daunting, that’s the point! It is a premiere competitive format that utilizes all the unique aspects that come from a larger convention-style event while pushing players to prove their mastery of the game at all levels. While we can’t wait to see what the challenge-ready players come up with to overcome the intense challenge of the Format, we recognize that, just like every Game Mode and Format before it, Timeline events aren’t for everyone. That’s the whole point of why we approach playing our games the way we do!”
Timeline Event Download Details
If you’re brave enough to give one of these events a go you can download the information you need here. There’s the specific Timeline Event Rules and also the updated 2025 Timeline List rules, too.
If you’re curious about the event itself the Timeline Event rules are where you want to start. If you’re a Game Designer, a Tournament Organizer, or just someone who likes to learn about games in general, you really should read through this format. I think it’s got some really unique ideas in there. In particular it’s the list construction that’s a real twist.
The fact that each player has to bring three different rosters and each roster has to be full of unique characters is a really interesting concept. I think MCP is one of those games that can get away with that — it’s 30 miniatures in total! Each player has to be able to juggle those three different rosters effectively throughout the tournament, too.
As far as List Restrictions, that’s where the updated 2025 Timeline List comes in. Above you can see just a small selection of options. Notice how the Affiliation sizes have been cut down by quite a bit! This really will be an exercise in list building and player knowledge.
Again, Timeline Events aren’t for everyone. But that’s the beauty of them. There’s lots of ways to play MCP. While all the core rules are the same you can really find a way to play that suits your mood. Not feeling the high-level competition? Check out a Narrative event or try an Ultimate Encounter! Or just play a standard game and smash super heroes and villains at each other like a Saturday Morning Cartoon.
Because Comics!