Necromunda: ‘Servant of the Silent Ones’ New Miniature Reveal

Necromunda takes a turn for the gross with the new Servant of the Silent Ones for House Delaque. We’re all worm food!
House Delaque has a history of truly grotesque and frankly weird miniatures. Their core gangers might seem off from normal. But once you start looking at their extended “family” of miniatures things get real weird. Today, we’re getting a look at yet another monstrousty that’s going to be joining their ranks. Meet the Servant of the Silent Ones.
“These nightmarish creatures are a fusion of plasteel and genetic scraps, the outer shells are crafted to match the subterranean images dreamt by the Star Chamber – the congregation of Delaque leaders inextricably drawn together by the impressive and unknowable will of the Psychoterica. “
Servant of the Silent Ones
Yikes. And I thought the Delaque Piscean Spektor was creepy. This one takes it to a whole new level! What’s really scary about the Servant of the Silent Ones is that they are self-sufficient. They don’t need anyone holding their leash as they track through the Underhive and stalk prey. But how do the Delque members control them? Great question. And here’s the gross answer:
“A cultured cranial soup is poured into their cortex, linking them through memories to the Silent Ones and their Piscean heritage.”
Whelp, this gnarly creature is coming to Necromunda soon. So be on the look out for their armored bodies worming their way around. Their kit will be made in Forge World Resin and the rules for these creatures can be found in the Necromunda: House of Shadows supplement.
It looks like House Delaque’s information gathering techniques are expanding. No scrap of information is useless and they will even crawl in the dirt to get at it…
In the end, we’re all worm food after-all…