Pathfinder’s ‘Divine Mysteries’ – Play With The Power Of A Deity, Today

Pathfinder 2E’s Divine Mysteries is out in the wild as of today. Finally, you can figure out how to become a god – in Pathfinder, at least.
We all know the answer to the age-old question “are you a god?” is a resounding “yes.” But once you say yes, then what? How do you actually convince someone you’re a god? Well, one way to do that is by exploring Pathfinder’s newest book, Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries. Whether you’re adding new archetypes or looking for new gods, or even how to be one, there’s a ton of divine new lore and more to dig into.

Pathfinder 2E: Divine Mysteries – The Gods Aren’t THAT Mysterious Now
If you’ve ever had a question about the divine in Golarion, this sourcebook has an answer for you. Whether you’re playing as a faithful follower or someone who doesn’t care for the gods, this sourcebook explores all things divine and divine-adjacent. Even the death of a god or the rise of another. This is what happens in the ongoing War of the Immortals meta-event.
Of course, there are plenty of new toys to play with, too. You can expect to see new witch patrons, new archetypes, and class archetypes, giving you new feats, abilities, and more. But DMs will find themselves drawn to the new gods explored in the book.
“The influence of all-powerful deities is felt in every corner of the Lost Omens setting. Whether you’re a valorous champion calling the righteous power of your patron down upon wicked foes, or a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character’s identity. Within this volume, you’ll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshippers. The book alsogr ants a glimpse into the machinations of a god, exploring how a new god rises, why a god takes worshippers in the first place, and what occurs when a god dies.”
But it’s not just the gods that get stuff to play with. There’s a new patron for Witches, which opens up powerful new possibilities. Clerics get the new Battle Harbinger option. While there are new archetypes like the Rivethun Emissary and Mortal Herald for you as well.
On top of that, there are new “divine entities” that have never before been seen in any Pathfinder reference. So, if you want to expand your Golarion’s lore. If you want to get good and godly (or fiendishly so), this book has a ton to play with. And it’s out now!