Save Up To 46% On Black Friday Board Game Deals You Won’t Want To Miss

Black Friday is the day for shopping. Don’t miss out on these deals for some of my personal favorite board games.
Spirit Island
Spirit Island is one of those games I can’t get enough of. It’s cooperative, which is always a positive in my book. You play as a vengeful island spirit, bent on driving out the invading settlers. It’s a fantastic game in its own right, but then top it all off with a very satisfying anti-colonialism theme and baby, you’ve got a stew going.
When I play any open world RPG, like Skyrim, I often find myself spending barely any time on the act main story line. Thankfully, the Skyrim board game lets you do just that. There is a main quest, but there’s no set time in which you have to do it, unless you want to include it. It’s a game built around playing how you want and having fun your own way. The game is a bit pricey, to be honest, so Black Friday is the best time to pick it up.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King
Wrath of the Lich King is built around the Pandemic system. But this revamp adds a ton of new mechanics and systems to make it feel fresh. Even if you’ve played Pandemic a hundred times before, Wrath of the Lich King feels like a fully new game. There’s monsters, bosses, quests, and more. Check it out!
Mysterium ranks very highly on my list of top-tier party games. It’s a game all about just vibing it out with your friends and having fun figuring out what the hell your friend thinks each dream card represents. It’s not a game to be taken too seriously. Honestly, play on easy mode with the extra raven tokens. Maybe you’ll need them, and maybe you won’t, but you’ll be happy to have them if one friend is just stuck.
Everdell, and its mane spinoff games are a fantastic entry into the engine builder genre. It draws you in with cute and cuddly animals, and before you know it, you’re wishing for just one more turn to fully optimize your build. Then wanting to play again to try an entirely new strategy. It’s a game you can spend hours playing without even realizing it.
BoLS might make a few bucks on anything you buy from these links. But, be honest, you don’t enjoy randomly browsing online stores. So let us do the annoying part for you. Help us help you.