Star Wars: Legion – Points Updates Released

Atomic Mass Games has released new points for Star Wars: Legion. There have been some targeted tweaks and changes for the tabletop!
If the ARC Troopers were eating your lunch on the battlefield then this one is for you. Atomic Mass Games held a live stream yesterday that covered a TON of the changes coming to the points for Star Wars: Legion.
As of writing, the Development live stream is only available on AMG’s Twitch page. I really hope they move it to their YouTube later for archiving. Anyhow, AMG did have a write-up yesterday that covered a bunch of these changes. So let’s go over that now.
Star Wars: Legion Points Updates
Recon Intel And Scout
“We’d like to start off by talking about some of the generic upgrades and some game-wide points updates you’ll see in the documents. Recon Intel saw a points increase when the rules were originally released, as we had identified that Scout was a very powerful rule with the new deployment style and missions, however we did not expect it to be as powerful as it has turned out. Because of this we’re further increasing the points of the upgrade to increase its overall point impact in armies taking significant quantities of it and hopefully making it a powerful choice for a select few units rather than showing up on the majority of units in an army.”
The increase to the generic upgrades make sense in this regard. The idea of these being more limited, powerful choice vs a (basically) army wide option make sense. This should ripple down and have an impact on some of the other “problem” units in the game that took advantage of the Scout rules in this way, too.
Medics And Repair Units
“Medics and Repair units have also been shown to be coming in over the curve—many have received an increase in points to account for this. While we love the flavor and feel of a medic (or repair droid!) returning fallen troops to the table, we’d like to see a little less of it happening on already durable or otherwise expensive units; this increase should help bring those options back in line.”
I think we can all appreciate the combat medics and repairing units in the game. However, I can see why the need was there tone them down a bit. Unit recursion mechanics are always tricky thing to balance. Returning lots of cheap units to the field or even limited numbers of the “heavy hitters” you can swing a game. But returning lots of “heavy hitters” to the field can be really problematic. Especially when they aren’t priced for that type of a mechanic to be used.
Targeted Changes
ARC Troopers And Clone Commandos
“The 501st Battle Force with its reduced Corps requirements and the ability to take an army composed of almost exclusively these units has seen great success since the rules update and we’d like to pull the overall efficiency of the army down. When ARC Troopers are led by Clone Commanders they receive the Reliable 1 keyword—we won’t bore you all with a bunch of math, but as it breaks down we had not properly assessed the significance of these additional Surge tokens, especially on defense.”
At the end of the day the Clone forces proved to be a bit over-tuned. Their success on the tabletop combined with some outliers of the math and efficiency proved to be busted. On top of that, they were also one of the armies utilizing the Recon Intel upgrades, too. Now there are points increase for them as well as the changes to the points for Recon Intel. The hope is that they should be more inline with the rest of the armies in the game.
Yoda actually got a points change in the other direction. He’s now cheaper to field! That’s mostly due to the changes of Relentless, Charge, and Steady. So if you were using him in your lists you might want to revisit that to check the points.
These aren’t all the changes. For that, I encourage you to check out the Star Wars: Legion Rules reference page here. It’s also worth noting that the Core Rules have been updated as well so you may want to download those, too. The changes have been highlighted in Blue.
The Force was definitely with those Clones!