Warhammer 40K: Asurmen – the Hand of Asuryan, the First Phoenix Lord

Today delve into the myths and legends of the Xenos Eldar to study – Asurmen, Phoenix Lord of the Dire Avengers
Asurmen is said to have been the first Eldar Phoenix Lord. He was the founder of the Path of the Warrior and he created the first shrine of Asur, the Dire Avenger shrine, which was to grow into the most wide-spread of the Aspects. Asurmen’s name means “The Hand of Asuryan” and it was he who led the Eldar race away from their doomed homeworlds at the time of the Fall of the Eldar.
Asurmen’s History
Before The Fall
Born Iliathin, the Eldar who would become Asurmen was born on the world of Eidafaeron and lived an uneventful and normal life. Before the Fall of the Eldar, he was skeptical of the prophecies of doom being spread by those who would become the Exodites. Iliathin’s brother Tethesis wanted to join the Exodites but his skeptical sibling refused to take part. Once the Doom of the Eldar came, Ilaithin and his brother both survived the calamity. They waged a desperate struggle for survival amid the ruins of their world, now overrun with Daemons. Iliathin killed Tethesis, after his brother was possessed by a Daemon. Afterwards, he found shelter at an ancient temple to the Aeldari gods. The Daemons were kept at bay due to the lingering presence of the Eldar pantheon.
The Rise of Asurmen
Contemplating suicide, Iliathin lived alone in the temple for several years. He was saved by an Eldar feral child Faraethil, who he initially shunned. Faraethil was assaulted by Drukhari, forcing Iliathin to action. He renamed himself Asurmen after the god Asuryan and rescued her. Asurmen agreed to take the girl as his disciple and they left the planet. Eventually the pair gathered more like-minded followers.
Foundation of the Aspect Temples
Asurmen and his followers landed on a barren world and renamed it Asur. There, he founded the first of the Aspect shrines, the Dire Avengers. These have become the most common of all the Aeldari Warrior Aspects. Asurmen established the Asurya, who went on to open new Aspect Shrines across the galaxy. He has traveled to more craftworlds than any other Phoenix Lord, teaching those Eldar who wanted to learn, and has founded more shrines than any other Phoenix Lord. The greatest of his students went on to found their own Aspect shrines and became Phoenix Lords themselves.
Notable Travels and Battles
The Hand of Asuryan vanished soon after the inception of the Aspect Shrines. However, tales of his deeds continue to be reported. Experiencing various deaths but being reborn again thanks to his armor, notably at the hands of the Keeper of Secrets N’Kari, he has been rumored slaying the agents of Chaos in the Eye of Terror to the Eastern Fringe. His actions have even become legends to the lesser races. Asurmen later appeared under the command of Jain Zar, now pledged to Ynnead. Asurmen took part in the battle to defend the Ynnari against the Thousand Sons and Tzeentch Daemons in the Webway, vanishing during the struggle.
Asurmen’s Wargear
Asurmen’s ancient armour incorporates vambraces with integrated Shuriken Catapults and his Diresword, named The Sword of Asur. This was the first created and contained the spirit of his brother, Tethesis, who was slain by a Daemon.
Asurmen is capable of navigating the Webway thanks to his ship, the Stormlance. The ship is controlled by an artificial intelligence-like construct that is linked to Asurmen’s inner bloodlust. While controllable, the program can be dangerous. The AI will sometimes steer the Stormlance in a direction where battle is most likely to be found.
Learn More of the Phoenix Lords