Warhammer 40K – The Top Units to Buy for Each Xenos Army

Goatboy here with the single best Warhammer 40K unit to pick up in 10th Edition, for each Xenos army you might play.
Goatboy here with a list of the Xenos units you should be looking out for if you want to dip into the Alien side of things for 40k. Thankfully there are a decent amount of Xenos stuff out there and each army has nice marque unit you should hopefully get under your Xmas tree. Of course I wish I could talk about all the new Aeldari stuff we saw this past week but we just have to wait a bit to see those guys hitting our grubby little hands. We already did these for Space Marine and Imperial armies, so let’s get started with Xenos.
1. Hekaton Land Fortress – Leagues of Votann
The bus of doom is here and it shoots a heck of a lot. It is also super tough, ignores cover, and can be filled with a bunch of murderous Zerker’s that wreck you if you get too close. Look if you want to play Space Dwarves you are going to have one or two of these in your army as you flavor the rest with whatever floats your boat. The Hekaton is coming and has a trunk full of orange slices ready to take your kids to soccer practice.
2. Genestealer Cult – Aberrants
These guys are amazing beat sticks and have started to show up in every list. You mix in an Abominant in there and you got a unit that can dish out so many wounds to whoever they target. Heck if you get lucky and get a dead unit back it can be such a back breaking hit to your opponent. These sickos of the tabletop are just awesome little murder machines.
3. Aeldari – The Avatar of Khaine
This model is amazing and you know it will be good in the new Codex Aeldari. If you don’t have one already and are thinking of Starting Aeldari – it is safe to get this model, work a long time to make the flames awesome, and get ready for it to wreck people’s faces. It is just a deadly God of destruction and a handsome looking kit too. All hail Kaela Mensha Khaine!
4. Drukhari – Incubi
These might not be the best models but I do think they are some of the coolest. Incubi are a great unit to paint up and work on – especially since they are in pretty newly designed plastic. They just look good and hit so hard they should be good when their new Codex Drukhari comes out in the future. Plus you can also buy Drazhar and have a nice little murder gang to play with.
5. Necrons – Monolith
If you are a Necron player you should at least have one Monolith. You might never use it and your significant other might question why this giant plastic thing is so important to you – but it is just too cool not to own one. It is such a signature model for the Necron range and an easy one to devote a ton of time to get to look cool. On the tabletop it’s beefy rules make it both useful and tricksy.
6. Orks – Ghazghkull Thraka
This is a pretty awesome single piece that most Ork players should have. Ghaz might not always show up in your armies but there will be times you need this giant jerk of the Ork race in your army ready to krump the enemy. It also is a great model to paint up and create your Ork scheme for the rest of your insane fungal weirdos.
7. T’au Empire – XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team
Here we have some of the poster children from the T’au Empire (I remembered the Apostrophe) army. The army is full of guns, full of battle suits, and ready to wreck someone’s day as they deep strike in. This Crisis Suit kit lets you build the three different types of units that cover the current T’au Battlesuit make up and is a must have kit for any T’au Commander ready to wreck the tabletop.
8. Tyranids – Hive Tyrant
This is a ideal kit to start your Tyranid army. It lets you build a Winged Variant, the foot Variant, and even the Swarmlord all in one plastic box of goodness. It isn’t a crazy big model too so it really lets you figure out what kind of scheme you want to do easily enough. It also looks amazing. As someone that built an old Nidzilla army back in the day I had to use a ton of metal models so seeing how the plastic one kept the overall look and fixed things is awesome.
If you don’t have one of these yet – make sure to write it on your Xmas wish list.