Warhammer Next Week: AoS Gets Chaos, Underworlds Gets Big Boxes

Next week Chaos descends upon the Mortal Realms while Warhammer Underworlds unleashes a barrage of big boxes.
It’s a big week for the Mortal Realms. AoS gets Chaos in a big way. And then Warhammer Underworlds kicks off a whole new line of boxes.
If you want to round out your warbands or you and your friends have been curious about the format and want to jump in, soon it’ll be the perfect time. Warhammer Underworlds has boxes with four warbands apiece. Making it the perfect entrance for Underworlds. Nagash beckons.
Can’t Spell Chaos Without AoS

First up, Chaos comes to the Mortal Realms. Specifically it’s Chaos for AoS. With the Slaves to Darkness book, and a host of new minis, there’s a ton to dive into for those heretics willing to comport with the Ruinous Powers.
In the Slaves to Darkness bookk, you get all the rules, lore, and info for your Chaos warriors. There are 43 updated Warscrolls within, alongside Spearhead rules for the Darkoath, and armies of renown, including Be’lakor’s Legion of the First Prince.

The new Chaos Sorcerer Lord makes a magical leader for your heretical forces. With dark powers and many different heads and staff toppers, they’re sure make the ruinous powers look good.

Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen, meanwhile, commands th Swords of Chaos, the First Circle of Archaon’s chosen. Wielding the cursed spear known as Gorbolga the Accurs’d, abraxia is now available as a solo release next week.

Of course what are the Darkoath without a horde of forces to play with. The Darkoath Raiders Spearhead box comes with a Darkoath Warqueen, 10 Darkoath Savagers, 10 Darkoath Marauders, and 5 Darkoath Fellriders.
Warhammer Underworlds

Meanwhile in Warhammer Underworlds world, there are two brand new warbands. The Seraphon have the Jaws of Itzl. This pack f Saurus Warriors wield dangerous weapons and sporadic telepathic commands from their Slann Starmaster to make their way through Embergard.

Grandfather’s Gardeners, on the other hand, represent the love and care that Nurgle has for all living things. These Plaguebearers bring Greatfather Nurgle’s best gifts to the furthest corners of the world.

Meanwhile, the Grand Alliances have new Warhammer Underworlds boxes with four pre-generated Warbands. Heroes and Hunters is Order’s big box, and it comes with Hexbane’s Hunters, Myari’s Purifiers, Thundrik’s Profiteers, and Yithari’s Guardians.

Chaos sallies forth with Despoilers and Daemons. Inside are Khagra’s Ravagers, Ephilim’s Pandaemonium, the Dread Pageant, and the Gorechosen of Dromm.

Death rides out with Revenants of the Realms. In this box are the forces of Death’s finest. You’ll find the Headman’s Curse, the Crimson Court, Kainan’s Reapers, and the Grymwatch.

And then there’s Destruction’s Brutes and Bandits. This box gathers together four solid walls of muscle, grit, and kunnin’. You’ll find Grinkrak’s Looncourt, Morgok’s Krushas, Blackpoweder’s Buccaneer’s, and Da Kunnin’ Krew.
All this, next week!