Warhammer Underworlds: Free Downloads Now Available

Grab the core rules, Organized Play updates, and the digital fighter and warband warscroll for Warhammer Underworlds right now!
The new season of Warhammer Underworlds is upon us and today is your chance to snag all the core rules, warband rules, and Organized Play updates. And it’s all free from Games Workshop.
To get you prepared for the game, the Warhammer Design Studio has prepared free downloadable rules documents, most of which are available now.
These include the full core rules of the game so you can start learning the rules now, and an Organised Play guide to ensure you have valid warbands and decks for the Rivals and Nemesis formats. There’s also a Warhammer Underworlds tournament companion which has details and advice for running your own events.
There will also be a rules updates document released soon, which will contain the first rules updates and FAQs for the new edition.
Warhammer Underworlds Free Rules Download
The link above should take you to the Warhammer Community page for Warhammer Underworlds. There you’ll find a gallery of downloads. To start, there are all the recently updated rules — which is basically all of them.
To kick things off you’re probably going to want to start with the Core Rules download. It’s exactly what it sounds like and has all the core rules for the game. It covers any generic rules and goes over the basics like what the tokens are, how to setup your first game, the board, the decks, and how to play the game.
Also immediately available are the digital downloads for 13 warbands in rotation for Organized play. These warbands are the ones that were most recently released. They have not been repackaged for the new edition. That just means you can still purchase them from stores and play with those models. These warbands include:
- the Farstriders (Flex)
- the Sepulchral Guard (Take and Hold)
- Ironsoul’s Condemnors (Flex)
- Mollog’s Mob (Mastery)
- Thorns of the Briar Queen (Take and Hold)
- Spiteclaw’s Swarm (Strike)
- Zarbag’s Gitz (Take and Hold)
- the Skinnerkin (Strike)
- the Brethren of the Bolt (Mastery)
- the Thricefold Discord (Mastery)
- Cyreni’s Razors (Flex)
- Daggok’s Stab-ladz (Mastery)
- Zondara’s Gravebreakers (Mastery)
“You can take these rules and pair your models with any of the four Rivals decks in the Embergard Core Set, or the forthcoming Reckless Fury and Wrack and Ruin decks, and you’ll be ready to start playing.”
Again, these are not ALL the warbands for the current rotation for Organized Play. The newly released ones (in the core set and the reboxed warbands) are also available. As for the ones that are not current in the rotation for Organized Play you can still download rules to use them, too.
“Each warband has its own fighter card, with a choice of two warband warscroll cards for each Grand Alliance, offering two ways to play each warband.
Order warbands can play as Crusaders (Take and Hold) or Protectors (Flex). Chaos warbands are Corruptors (Flex) or Slayers (Strike), while Death warbands fight using either Dark Majesty (Mastery) or Necromancy (Flex). Destruction warbands play as either Brutal (Strike) or Kunnin’ (Flex).”
It’s also worth noting that GW is planning on bringing back many of the older warbands in a re-boxed setup similar to the Grand Alliance boxes. But we don’t have any further information or timeline for that to happen.
The new edition is out now so go grab the rules and start your battles in Warhammer Underworlds!