AoS: Ogor Mawtribes are Eating Good in 4.0

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the man-eating mercenaries, the Ogor Mawtribes.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.
Regarding fine dining, no one has a palette quite as refined as the Ogor Mawtribes. Sampling dishes from every corner of the Realms, they’re the go-to gourmands for any would-be AoS foodie. Sure, their food source may be dubious, but what’s a little light cannibalism among friends? These hulking brutes have always had a fascinating history, selling their services to every side of the conflict in exchange for the chance to eat…I mean, beat some exciting foes. Even their weapons look better designed for preparing meat than conquering a battlefield (but don’t let that make you doubt their effectiveness).
In the latest edition, the Ogors have seen a little change. While they’re still the ravenous, hunger-driven brutes they always were, their hunger has been sated a little. Don’t let that discourage you, though; they’re still every bit the living battering ram that they ever were. They combine the heavy punch of the Sons of Behemat with the variety of the Orruks Warclans, with a bit of black powder thrown in for flavor. If you pop these bad boys down on the table, you won’t be disappointed.
Ogor Mawtribes – The Good: Living Steam Tank
The Ogor Mawtribes have always been terrifying on the charge, and that’s not changing in 4.0. They have maintained their Crushing charge ability, and while it has been defanged a little, it’s no more than any other army. Being able to do damage on the charge in addition to the damage you’ll do when your big boys swing is nasty business. Their “Feasting” ability has also seen a slight nerf; now, it is only usable once per battle. However, all units NOT under the effects are a lot faster. You’ll get those battle bellies into combat a lot faster, and there are a ton of units that you’ll really want there.
The Ironguts are the perfect target for all the Ogor abilities. They’re fast, they can generate a Ward save, and once per battle, they can fight a second time. Their weapons are no slouch either, potentially doing nine wounds PER MODEL, which can decimate an entire unit of enemies. Add in the charge and Feasting abilities, and you’ll have a deleted heavy in no time flat. Plus, they’ll almost always have a Tyrant nearby, so they’ll get all the benefits of a beefy leader on top of everything else.
Ogor Mawtribes – the Less Good: Easy to Dodge
While the Ogors can dish out an obscene amount of damage, they have to hit first, and that’s where they come up a bit short. Even their best fighters only hit on a 4+ in melee, and that’s a big ask. Anything that reduces their hit chance is an army killer for them, so make sure you pick your targets with care.
How did your favorite faction do?