D&D: Five Mimic Disguises to Melt Your Players’ Minds

In 2024, when anything can be a mimic, here are some of the worst things you can replace with a sticky lil’ monster in disguise.
Mimics have long been a part of D&D—where they were so iconic that they jumped ship. Anyone who’s ever played a single Dark Souls is bound to know what I mean. And if you haven’t? Well enjoy having an unbroken controller, I guess.
And, in a way, it’s the perfect trap to spring on a D&D party, because a mimic doesn’t just appeal to the character, it appeals to the player as well. Suddenly, every treasure chest becomes suspicious. But you can go beyond treasure chests.
Mimics can take the form of any object; so here are some devious disguises to break out when you really wanna dial up the paranoia.
What’s more enticing but less suspicious than a treasure chest? A door! No one ever thinks twice about doors, unless to search them for traps. But is that mysterious door on the far end of the room (or better yet, the “hidden” door they spot with passive Investigation) actually a Mimic? When you roll initiative, the party will be right up on the mimic. And potentially away from the exits.
A Feasting Table
Mimics can be any object. Why not one covered in delicious food to lure the entire party to gather around it? Of course, this one takes a little more of a setup. After all, someone will have to set the table and find some way of making it believable. This mimic usually works best when working as a team with other enemies.
But this way, the party will be coming to dinner—as the main course.
Area Rug
In this form, your mimic can really tie the room together. This is a great way to try and snare multiple characters at once—the mimic spreads itself out over a wide area and as the characters walk onto it, its adhesive body trait takes hold of the characters.
Give your mimics a little bit of personality. Let them express an artistic side that maybe the players would never suspect. Sure, a treasure chest is classic, but art is also a treasure. Posing as something meant to be walked past lets them lurk in innocuous places, where they can be choosier about their prey. Why go for the big, armored warrior when that reedy person in robes is so much more colorful and delicious?
A Spellbook
For mimics with a taste for the arcane… posing as a spell book alongside others on a shelf, or better yet, own kectern, just waiting to be leafed through for forbidden knowledge is a perfect setup. Then all it has to do is wait. And feast.
Happy adventuring!