Get Locked and Loaded For Pathfinder 2E’s ‘Guns & Gears Remastered’

Pathfinder’s upcoming Guns & Gears (Remastered) updates rules for firearms, and more importantly Gunslingers, in Pathfinder 2E.
One of the more iconic things about Pathfinder in its early days was the Gunslinger class. And I can safely say this because Pathfinder was the system that had the Gunslinger class. Not only that, but Vox Machina, which originally began as a Pathfinder campaign before the days of Geek & Sundry, featured a Gunslinger. Everyone’s favorite gunslinging noble, Percy de Rolo.
So it’s super exciting to see Gunslingers get some love—which they will in the upcoming Guns & Gears (Remastered). Releasing in February 2025, Pathfinder’s Guns & Gears promises both Gunslingers and a new Inventor class.
Pathfinder’s Guns & Gears (Remastered) – Firearms and Explosions For All
The Gunslinger, as we’ve said, is an iconic part of Pathfinder. And in Guns & Gears, they get all the wonderful little toys you would hope for. Clockwork gears. Lightning coils. And of course, plenty of flammable black powder.
Or is it inflammable? I forget. Anyway, here’s a look at what’s in the book:
“Unravel the secrets of Clockworks with the new Inventor class or blow away your opposition as a firearm-wielding Gunslinger! In addition to new classes, a plethora of archetypes, backgrounds, vehicles, siege engines, gadgets, and the remastered automaton ancestry are all ready to expand your game with options for battlefields large and small.”
Both the Inventor and Gunslinger will be adapated t the Remastered Pathfinder 2E rules. While the new ancestry will let you play as a robot, bringing Pathfinder in line with pretty much every other heroic fantasy ttrpg out there right now. That just seems to be in the water, these days.
You’ll also find tons of new gear. Probably the most ostentatious new piece of kit is the Gunblade, but hey, your mileage may vary. You can take Pathfinder’s Remasterred Guns & Gears for a spin starting February, 2025.
Happy adventuring!