Go On a Bizarre Adventure With These Weird Dice

Normal D&D dice are great and functional at the table. But there are so many cool, unique, and downright weird dice that deserve attention.
We all have standard sets of D&D dice. In fact, we all arguably have to many sets of standard D&D dice, but there are some unique and truly weird dice out there that we could be collecting as well. Are they as functional during gameplay? Not always. But they are very cool to look at, show off, and collect. And really, isn’t that what’s most important?
1. Dragon Egg Dice

I’d hazard to say that we’re pretty used to seeing dice that aren’t shaped like classic dice. But these are something a little special; they look like little tiny dragon eggs complete with a bigger dragon egg dice box. Fitting if you’re fighting any dragons. But even more fitting if your character is known for trying to adopt all of the cute little (and big) magical ,animals.
2. Spinner Dice

While I don’t think I’d ever show up to a D&D session with a dice ring and expect my DM to allow it, I can’t not appreciate the ingenuity of spinner dice. They’re subtle enough to pass as jewelry in your day-to-day life with a spinning function that’s very fun to play with, plus they’re D&D for a win/win/win triple threat.
3. The Dice Gun

Is the concept of a dice gun absolutely wild? Yes. Would I have thought of it- let alone made it- in a million years? Absolutely not. But somebody did and now you can shoot little dice out of a spinning cylinder for that perfectly random roll. I don’t fully understand this one, and I don’t have to. But I do understand that this is perfect for the gunslinger at your table.
4. Giant Glow in the Dark Dice

Yes, most of us use two D10s for our D100 rolling needs. And yes sometimes a die this big can be a little difficult to read. But if you’re in the market for a glow-in-the-dark D100, you may not be shopping for functionality and functionality alone. You’d be looking for something fun and you would have found it with this die. That said, at 45mm this die is larger than your average gaming polyhedron and well-balanced to boot, so why not go for style and usability?
5. Tiny Dice on the Go

Have you ever found yourself suddenly without a full set of D&D dice? No? …Well now you definitely won’t! this 58mm tube is full of less-than-1-mm dice, for all of your on-the-go tabletop RPG needs. These may be more of a curiosity or a party trick than functional gaming pieces for your day-to-day use. But something about being able to use a bottlecap as a dice tray is very fun.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy even more dice.