Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ New Additions We Want

Marvel: Crisis Protocol is getting Yondu and Nova in January. Here’s a few other Guardians of the Galaxy-adjacent Characters we want next.
The Guardians of the Galaxy weren’t that widely know of outside of comics until the MCU movies. Shoot, even the comics redesigned the characters a bit to more closely match the MCU counter-parts. That said, on the tabletop, there’s a few omissions from the Guardians of the Galaxy roster. Plus there’s more than a few Marvel Cosmic (ie, characters not on Earth) that have had space adventures with the crew. Here’s the ones we hope we get soon.
Mantis has had a pretty colorful history in the Marvel Comics. I won’t go over it all here but she was, at different points was:
- a member of the Avengers
- a being of pure energy
- traveled the galaxy
- and was “the goddess of life”
So yes…she’s a *tad* different than her MCU counter-part. Depending on where you place her in her timeline she can be a vastly different character. That said, even if we get the more “watered down” MCU version of Mantis on the tabletop, I’m cool with that!
Adam Warlock
Adam Warlock is another one of those characters that has had QUITE the history in the comics. Needless to say, he’s a very powerful character overall. And if the Guardians were looking for Threat Level 6 (or even 7 if you go based on the Infinity Guantlet wielding-version) Adam Warlock would absolutely fit that bill. There’s also a more toned-down version where he was a part of the Infinity Watch with Pip the Troll, Gamora, Moondragon, and Drax. And there’s another Affiliation we could toss in the mix, too! And yeah, I thought of these first two but I did spend a chunk of time playing Marvel Rivals this weekend.
High Evolutionary
I know folks are probably familiar with the High Evolutionary because of the GotG movies. But did you know in the Marvel Comics he started off as a rogue human “geneticist” from the 193os? Yeah, it’s a little hard to believe that’s where he started. Anyhow, thanks to some meddling from an Inhuman and an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Nathaniel Essex (aka Mister Sinister) this biologist turns himself in the High Evolutionary and “…Because Comics!” ensues.
Anyhow, I think he’s be a weird and excellent addition to the tabletop of Marvel: Crisis Protocol. While he really doesn’t have a direct line to the Guardians of the Galaxy in the comics, he does interact with Adam Warlock, the Avengers, and has even battled the X-Men on occasion. If the High Evolutionary does come to the tabletop, I do hope we at least get a team-tactic card for him and Rocket Raccoon. Mostly as a nod to the movie if nothing else.
The Ravagers are the crew of Space Pirates led by Yondu. And they are basically Peter Quill’s surrogate family, too. This would really depend on how Atomic Mass Games would want to implement them but I could see each character getting added — and thus a new Affiliation added, too. Or AMG could go with the “multi-character on a large base” route. I think the latter would be a better option if they were based more off the MCU crew and not the comics version. Or they could be more like Grunts that Yondu would order around.
Ego, The Living Planet
Okay, just hear me out on this one. I know it would be virtually impossible for us to play with Ego, the Living Planet on the tabletop. He’s just too large of character. Plus, what would his Threat Level even be? He’d be at least an Ultimate Encounter — and then some. But what if we didn’t play WITH Ego. Instead what if we played ON Ego? That’s right I’m suggesting we get an Ego the Living Planet terrain set! I don’t know how that would even work but I could see a set designed for MCP with Ego’s “features” as part of it. Additionally, I think we could get super creative and also make it an Ultimate Encounter, too. Let’s get wild here. We’re dealing with an entire sentient planet afterall!
What other Guardians of the Galaxy-Adjacent characters would you like to see added to MCP?