Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Man-Thing’ Rules Preview

Those who fear will burn at the Man-Thing’s touch. And everyone else will get the poison condition in Marvel: Crisis Protocol!
Coming from the horror/supernatural side of Marvel, Man-Thing has a few interesting powers. Firstly, he’s the guardian of the Nexus of Realities. This “job” has led him to encounter quite a few strange folks including Howard the Duck! Now, Man-Thing is rising from the swamp to attack the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. So let’s see what he can do on the tabletop.
“Dr. Theodore “Ted” Sallis was a young biochemist working in the Florida Everglades on a project hoping to recreate Captain America’s Super-Soldier Serum. When thugs tried to ambush him and steal the serum, Ted escaped with the last remaining sample. After injecting himself with it, he crashed his car into the swamp. There, the scientific serum and magical forces of the swamp combined, and he arose as the Man-Thing! With a burning touch and horrific strength he attacked his tormentors and fled into the swamp, no longer remembering the man he was before.”
Man-Thing In Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Man-Thing comes in with solid defenses of 3/3/4 and 6 Stamina. He’s also size 3 and moves short — but he’s on a larger 50mm base so keep that in mind. He’s also a Threat Level of 3 which I found a little surprising. Personally, I’m glad he’s not just another Threat Level 4 though. Let’s continue on to see if he’s a “steal” at TL 3 though.
Attack-wise, his builder is Lashing Tendrils. It’s a physical attack that’s range 3 and 5 dice. Not too crazy. Except it not only generates power based on the damage but it can also cause a “Push Toward” Man-Thing short on a wild and hit. It only works on size 3 or less but that’s most characters in the game. It could be useful to pull characters off points of interest or to setup another follow-up attack.
Man-Thing also has a super power that could be helpful after that “Push Toward” move. All Who Know Fear Burn at the Man-Thing’s Touch is a super power that can apply the Incinerate condition if damage was dealt AND they are within range 2. It can also apply Incinerate if he’s been hit, too!
The next attack is his spender with Emotional Agitation. It’s a mystic attack that’s range 3 and 7 dice but costs 3 energy. However, regardless of if you cause damage or not, it causes the target to gain Incinerate and Poison. That’s some emotional damage right there!
Guardian of the Nexus of All Realities is one of his super powers. For 3 energy he can slingshot a character within range 3 a distance of range 3 of it’s current position. This can be QUITE a boon to movement and positioning.
Man-Thing has a nice defensive super power with Moss and Mud and Swamp. This really cuts down on the incoming damage to Man-Thing as it prevents attackers from getting the extra dice from their crit results. It’s just hard to find that crit spot when it’s a pile of swamp-stuff. Finally, he also comes with Healing Factor [2] as well as Immunity to Hex and Stun effects.
We also get a look at Man-Thing’s Team Tactic Card and boy is it a doozy. First off, you can play this during the Power Phase so it won’t take up one of his actions. For 2 energy, during the entire round, any time an enemy character beings a movement within range 3 of Man-Thing but doesn’t end their movement outside of range 3, you roll a die. If you get crit, wild, or hit, you can then place the enemy within range 3 of Man-Thing.
While it’s not 100% guaranteed, there’s some serious potential to move an enemy WAY out of position. Yank them off the objective and drop them next to your crew to mop up. And odds are they won’t be able to move back until their next activation.
Man-Thing is coming in a new Character Pack with Elsa Bloodstone and is currently up for pre-order. He’s slated to arrive in stores on January 31, 2025.