Now That It’s Mid-December, Pathfinder Gets Its Fall 2024 Errata

Paizo released a batch of rules updates today, in the form of Fall 2024 Pathfinder Errata, marking a return to more regular updates!
It is errata season at Pathfinder HQ! Today, Paizo released a big batch of updates, FAQ clarifications, and errata as part of the Pathfinder Fall 2024 errata extravaganza. I don’t know if they’re calling it an extravaganza, officially, but there sure are plenty of updates.
Why is this batch so extensive? Well, this errata covers the entirety of the Pathfinder Remaster Project so far. Because in the middle of Paizo’s plan to release a solid twice per year schedule of errata/updates, the Remaster project came to fruition. Though the Pathfinder 2E Player Core came out a little more than a year ago, the whole thing, as you might imagine, shook things up at Paizo.
Now, though, Pathfinder is getting back on track. And what a batch of errata! Most of the recent releases get at least a little something. But especially the Remastered core rules.
Pathfinder Fall 2024 Errata — You Get An Update! And YOU Get An Update!
As Paizo explains in its blog, the errata released today mark a return to the plan of two update seasons per year. The bulk of the updates are, as you might expect, to do with the remastered core rulebooks. They came out in a surprisingly tight window, which was plenty impressive. And they’re fun too – it’s a rework of the 2nd Edition ruleset that pulls Pathfinder more and more into its own identity. But speed sometimes means little errors that sneak through to the final round. So you can find a lot of minor corrections and clarifications.
Though these books are also the biggest Pathfinder books. Bigger books just means more possibilities for errors. Still, in addition to the minor changes, there are some substantive errata as well:
“One of the notable changes you’ll see is an update to the sure strike spell. The spell could be very strong, with the reroll effectively making a much larger bonus than most abilities can grant. This benefit was usually in control at low levels when characters had few spell slots, but it could become disruptive and repetitive at higher levels on characters built to gain a huge number of copies of the spell and use it constantly. We’ve added temporary immunity to the spell, with the intent that it can still be very strong to create intense moments, but that there’s little incentive to use more than a handful of spell slots on it.”
– Paizo
But there are plenty more errata changes. Here’s a quick list of the books hit in the Pathfinder Fall 2024 Errata:
- Pathfinder Player Core
- Pathfinder GM Core
- Pathfinder Monster Core
- Pathfinder Player Core 2
- Secrets of Magic
- Howl of the Wild
- War of the Immortals
- Tian Xia Character Guide
Happy corrected adventuring!