RPG: ‘RuneQuest’ Gets A New Video Game From ‘Warhammer 40K Battlesector’ Devs

RuneQuest is getting a brand new video game, and it’s a grand strategy title from Siltherine, the makers of Warhammer 40K: Battlesector.
RuneQuest is a fantasy game that dates back to the elder days of TTRPGs. Designed in 1978, in the heady days when D&D was first taking gamers by storm, RuneQuest brought Greg Stafford’s world of Glorantha to tabletops around the country. It was a game of myths and heroes. And one whose world inspired all sorts of games, including a board game and a video game, Kings of Dragon Pass.
Now, Glorantha, and more specifically, RuneQuest, is getting a new video game from Slitherine, the makers of Warhammer 40K: Battlesector. With the promise of turn-based strategy and all of Glorantha’s glory, this could be quite fun. Here’s what we know so far.
Battlesector Dev And Chaosium Team Up For A RuneQuest Video Game
The news came earlier this week during Slitherine’s big reveal showcase extravaganza. Noto nly do you get new Astra Militarum DLC, but before too long, a whole new game from the strategy-focused dev. And with the promise of turn-based tactical gameplay, Glorantha beckons anew.
“First created over 40 years ago and cherished by millionsw orldwide, the gorious fantasy RPG setting of Glorantha provides a perfect backdrop for the turn-based tatcical battles in RuneQuest: Warlords.
Players will take command of the Talastar tribes, stepping into the roleo f warlords leading them through a gripping 18-mission single-player campaign. They will fight for survival against the relentless Chaos hordes, encountering iconic characters from the RuneQuest universe such as Ketill White Eye, Hakon the Swimmer, Wovandor and Ralzakark.”
– Siltherine
Of course, there will be more than just the single-player campaign. The RuneQuest video game will have multiplayer and skirmish gameplay, allowing you to mess around with different strategies. Or to battle your friends across Glorantha.
If you’re familiar with Battlesector, you have a pretty good idea of how the game will play. Slitherine promises to build upon the core concepts of their 40K game but with more fantasy. And you know, it’s a solid game. People like it for a reason. You can learn more or wishlist the game on Steam, with an expected release in 2025!
Happy adventuring!