Warhammer 40K: 5 Chaos Daemon Princes That Need To Make An Appearance

Forget about the Primarchs, these Daemon Princes need to show up with rules in the next Chaos Daemons codex!
The Roster for named Chaos Daemon Princes actually runs pretty deep. There’s a handful of them from the Horus Heresy Era that could show up in 40k or with rules for 30K’s Age of Darkness. We’ve gathered a few that haven’t been completely destroyed — and one that has. Here’s the Daemon Princes we’d like to see show up on the tabletop with rules.
Khorne – Doombreed
Doombreed, the Skull Lord is a Daemon Prince of Khorne. He’s so old that his True Name has been long forgotten — he’s been a servant of Khorne for close to 40,000 years! He’s popped up during the Horus Heresy, a Black Crusade or two, and has even had a run in with Mephiston of the Blood Angels. But why do we want him to show up with rules? Well, check out this description:
Doombreed takes the form of a giant Bloodthirster, wreathed in black smoke which becomes red muscle as he grows ever larger feeding on slaughter. Hooved and winged, his teeth are the size of swords and scraps of flayed fur and skin hang from his wet muzzle. He wears brazen Chaos armour resistant to psychic attack, a Collar of Khorne, and a cloak woven with the skulls of a thousand Space Marines. Alongside a mighty Axe of Khorne he carries the Rod of Khorne, a massive staff of twisted bone bearing the icon of the Blood God.
Uh…hell yes! That sounds awesome and we’d love to see Doombreed on the tabletop.
Nurgle – Bubonicus
Bubonicus was originally a mortal Champion of Nurgle, as many Daemon Princes start off as. He became a Daemon and popped up during the Horus Heresy as well. Bubonicus was summoned by Erebus, the First Chaplain of the Wordbearers, during a dark ritual that was conducted during the Battle of Calth. The reason we’d like to see him show up is because he’s got history — and friends. In fact, the next two Daemon Princes on our list share a home planet with Bubonicus. That’s a lore bomb that could be used for something cool ruleswise.
Tzeentch – Flamefist
Flamefist was born Werner Flamefist. He was a noble from the same planet as Bubonicus and was a dabbler in alchemy. He turned to Tzeentch for guidance and eventually raised his own Chaos Cult. Eventually, his schemes were discovered and, to save the family’s “good” name, he was driven off. He spent the next 20 years fighting in the name of Tzeentch and it wasn’t until he struck down a champion of Nurgle that he was granted daemonhood.
It would be pretty cool to see a new Tzeentch themed Daemon Prince model and even more awesome if you could make your own Flamefist with rules to match!
Slaanesh – N’Kari
There’s conflicting reports on if N’Kari is a Daemon Prince or a Keeper of Secrets. At some point, we’re pretty sure there’s a bleed-over from one to the other. In anycase, N’Kari was also born on that same planet that was engulfed in a Warp Storm for a millennia. That explains why at least 3 Daemon Princes came from the same cursed world. N’Kari has also has the most active career of the three of them. He also was summoned by Erebus at the same dark ritual on Calth so he’s got some Heresy-era street cred. He’s even managed to kill Asurmen in battle, but like those pesky warp daemons, you just can’t keep a good Phoenix Lord down.
He’s battled the Grey Knights on the husk of the Craftworld Malan’tai. M’Kari even managed to kill Anval Thawn during that battle. And, lore-wise, we haven’t seen Justicar Thawn since. That’s part of the reason we’d like to see this Daemon Prince make an appearance. And speaking of appearances, N’Kari’s lower half is supposed to be that of a serpent! Could be a good chance to create a new Slaanesh-themed Daemon Prince model…just throwing that out there.
Chaos Undivided – M’kar
M’kar the Reborn is a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided. He’s the combination of Maloq Kartho and the daemonic Warp entity named M’kar. He’s popped up during the Horus Heresy and had a run in with the Perpetual Oll Persson. He’s had encounters with Grey Knights, Mephiston, and several members of the Ultramarines including Captain Cato Sicarius, Captain Uriel Ventris, Chief Librarian Varro Tigurius, and Chapter Master Marneus Calgar himself. So he’s quite the run in the lore to say the least!
Unfortunately, M’kar was also destroyed by those Ultramarines in a climactic fight detailed in The Chapter’s Due. That said, he’s been around for at least 10,000 years so I’m sure he could find his way onto the tabletop — maybe for the Heresy Era?
Those are just a handful of the Chaos Daemon Princes running around. Do you have a favorite one you’d like to see get rules for the tabletop?