Warhammer 40K: Adding Lt. Titus is a Double Edged Sword for 10th Edition

Goatboy here to talk about the both the pros and cons of adding Lt. Titus to Warhammer 40K.
We got rules for a new named character this week. Smack dab into the middle of a bunch of cool detachments we got rules for Lieutenant Titus. A hero from the Space Marine video game – this angry Lieutenant is an interesting addition to an already pretty large batch of heroes for the Space Marine Ultramarines. The question I have is – do we want more of this? Is this just a Hot Mess waiting to happen?
The reason why I am talking about this is that Lt. Titus is another newly named character for the Ultramarines. Thankfully he does come in a simple boxed set if you want to run over to a big box store and grab it – but a lot of these other characters are not nearly as easy to get. It is kind of a pain because some of these guys are actually pretty good and grant some fun interaction into units that don’t always show up for Space Marine armies.
Dis the Ultramarines Need More Named Characters?
I feel I would be a lot happier if we saw more of these named characters that are not just goodie-two-shoes and instead focus a bit more into some of the other options for the game. Where is my evil Sorcerer of Chaos? Why didn’t my Ork Big Mek Black Library character not get rules for what is a pretty amazing looking model? Where are all the other bad guy options?
It just doesn’t feel very fair when Ultramarines who already have something like six characters that all can do some fun stuff – get yet another. Heck a lot of them are now cornerstones to some non supplement based Marine armies which is a pretty powerful thing. Where are all my other army options?
Let’s Talk Titus
Titus gives something interesting to the Ultramarines army. He gives them a very “aggressively” designed unit that attaches to some of the more powerful close combat options. He then gives the unit Sustained Hits 1 which is pretty good. He comes in with 8 attacks that hit on 2’s and get Anti-Infantry 2+ which feels pretty nutty. He has Feel No Pain and then gets to fight on death on a 2+. I think the only weird thing is that his Chainsword doesn’t have Ap -2 since it is his special weapon you see him going wild on enemies in Space Marine 2.
I think he is pretty cool but still it is kind of a mess as he isn’t in the Codex right now, really is only a digital release, and isn’t a Legend. He could show up in a competitive game and while I don’t think he is broken he is useful. You want your Bladeguard Veterans to have Sustained hits when they are coming in hot? Or how about your Assault Intercessors to have another crazy murder man who rides dirty with his friends. Are all of these worth it?
GW, Please Spread the Named Character Love Around
I like more models for the game and enjoy more of the story showing up in our interactions. I would love to see this show up with a bunch of other armies as some of the fun and fluff was always in the Special Characters. I could see a ton of Ork options come back and walk out of the mists of legends and become something viable in the game.
What do you think? Are all these Ultramarine characters awesome? Do you want to have other cool things show up and be neat to have in your army? Do you think it’s all just a tie-in to Space Marine 2?