Warhammer 40K: Detachment Breakdown – Mastering the Black Templars’ “Wrathful Procession”

Goatboy here to breakdown the 40K Advent Calendar Detachment – the Black Templars ‘Wrathful Procession’ with tips, tricks, and a sample army!
With this 2024 Advent Calendar of fun stuff for Warhammer 40K coming out, it’s time to review the detachments as they come out. We’ll do as usual a Good, Bad, and Ugly little break down for each one then a look at the type of list I would play for this army. I will begin with one of the detachments and as the weeks go on break down a few in batches as they come out. I am very excited to see some new rules and maybe some new ways to play an army and create something new and unique. Right now the game is sorta of locking into “best” of style armies and while we do have some innovation from time to time it feels like the same tricks are what is going to carry “best of” armies to the top.
‘Wrathful Procession’ – The Good
The idea of this new detachment feels very “Black Templar” like if you ask me. It is all built by the Black Templar playing picking a Litany to chant at the beginning of the battle round and granting all Infantry and Mounted units an extra rule. There are three of them and each is pretty powerful. Chorus of Relentless Hate gives the units a +2” to the movement and adds a 1 to their Advance rolls for the unit. Rite of Perfervid Wrath gives a +1 strength to all the melee weapons. Chant of Deathless Devotion gives a 5+ invulnerable save versus ranged attacks for the unit. All 3 of these are pretty neat and being able to pick one each battle round is a cool ability.
There are four Enhancements in this detachment and two of them are designed to help the units they are attached too. Pyrebrand gives the bearer’s unit Stealth which can be pretty handy. Sacred Rose lets the model call a once per battle fights first for themselves and the unit they are attached too. Taramond’s Censer force enemy units within engagement range of the bearer’s unit to take a Battle Shock test at -1 which could be fun with large crusader units this army will be made up of. Finally we have Benediction of Fury which is a Chaplain only model giving the bear’s melee weapons Devastating wounds.
We have six 1CP stratagems to pick from with Armour of Contempt being a part of it. Fuelled by Faith gives the units a 5+ FNP versus Mortal wounds. Castigate the Demagogues gives a unit Precision attacks in the fights phase. Brute Fervour gives a unit a reroll 1’s to hit and ignores all modifiers to weapon skill, hit roll, and wound roll. To me the standout is Relentless Momentum, which gives the units a 3” range to be near a unit in Engagement range with the enemy and give out some attacks. This is helpful for those large crusader units. Finally we have Voice of Devotion which lets you pick another Litany for the unit to have active.
‘Wrathful Procession’ – The Bad
I really wish there was more “super charge” litany options in this detachment. Maybe they could have set up some kind of cool option for Chaplains to be part of each unit and stacking more abilities up. It just feels like something that could easily be pushed more whenever Black Templars get a new supplement book.
‘Wrathful Procession’ – The Ugly
Why couldn’t that Chaplain upgrade give the unit Devastating wounds?
Sample Detachment Armylist – Wrathful Procession
Black Templars
Wrathful Procession
Strike Force
Castellan (90 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
• 1x Master-crafted power weapon
• Sacred Rage
Chaplain Grimaldus (130 Points)
• 1x Chaplain Grimaldus
• Warlord
◦ 1x Artificer crozius
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
• 3x Cenobyte Servitor
◦ 3x Close combat weapon
Judiciar (95 Points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
• 1x Executioner relic blade
• Pyrebrand
Marshal (90 Points)
• 1x Master-crafted power weapon
• 1x Plasma pistol
• Taramond’s Censer
Primaris Crusader Squad (320 Points)
• 1x Primaris Sword Brother
◦ 1x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 11x Primaris Initiate
◦ 9x Astartes chainsword
◦ 11x Bolt pistol
◦ 11x Close combat weapon
◦ 11x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 2x Power fist
• 8x Primaris Neophyte
◦ 8x Astartes chainsword
◦ 8x Bolt pistol
Primaris Crusader Squad (320 Points)
• 1x Primaris Sword Brother
◦ 1x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 11x Primaris Initiate
◦ 9x Astartes chainsword
◦ 11x Bolt pistol
◦ 11x Close combat weapon
◦ 11x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 2x Power fist
• 8x Primaris Neophyte
◦ 8x Astartes chainsword
◦ 8x Bolt pistol
Primaris Crusader Squad (320 Points)
• 1x Primaris Sword Brother
◦ 1x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 11x Primaris Initiate
◦ 9x Astartes chainsword
◦ 11x Bolt pistol
◦ 11x Close combat weapon
◦ 11x Heavy bolt pistol
◦ 2x Power fist
• 8x Primaris Neophyte
◦ 8x Astartes chainsword
◦ 8x Bolt pistol
Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
• 1x Brutalis talons
• 1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
• 1x Twin multi-melta
Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
• 1x Brutalis talons
• 1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
• 1x Twin multi-melta
Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
• 1x Brutalis talons
• 1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
• 1x Twin multi-melta
Reiver Squad (80 Points)
• 1x Reiver Sergeant
◦ 1x Combat knife
◦ 1x Special issue bolt pistol
• 4x Reiver
◦ 4x Combat knife
◦ 4x Special issue bolt pistol
Reiver Squad (80 Points)
• 1x Reiver Sergeant
◦ 1x Combat knife
◦ 1x Special issue bolt pistol
• 4x Reiver
◦ 4x Combat knife
◦ 4x Special issue bolt pistol
‘Wrathful Procession’ Tactics
This is a pretty simple to use list. You have blobs of bodies that can gum up the middle. Each of them have characters that can help them out and make things easier. The Reivers are interesting in that they can hit hard, utilize Precision attacks as needed, and just are a pain in the butt. The three Brutalis Dreads are cheap enough to be mean bullies that stalk around the blobs of troops and throw out damage as needed. I kind of think of them as mobile worship stations ready to dish out damage to the enemy.
Download the Detachment Here