Warhammer 40K: The 3 Missing Detachments from Grotmas

Goatboy here roundiug out 2024. I want to talk about three 40K Detachments I felt were missing from this year’s Advent Grotmas calendar.
First I want to say it was pretty dang amazing what we got this year. Grotmas was full of some interesting ideas and a ton of awesome detachments to mess around with. Thankfully I think we really only have 3-4 really powerful ones fromt he full Advent calendar for some armies to try and figure out. We’ll see if some more 40K Detachments start to show up in the next few months of events but let’s talk about the things I’m surprised we didn’t get.
A True Emperor’s Children Detachment
The Emperor’s Children army that got one of the coolest preview models in a long time also doesn’t have a straight fire detachment to try out. I know we don’t have a huge index to work from but there could have been something Emperor’s Children released. Maybe it gave powerful abilities to the units that match up different martial styles they try to emulate. Maybe it feels like some kind of cool staggered method system for doing war on the tabletop. Heck we would just like something named crazy and weird that makes you feel like you are riding the wave of pleasure and pain that is an Emperor’s Children style army. It just feels to me like something the GW Design Studio could have easily created to help feed those players who want to wreck forces with a creepy converted Lucius model.
Be’lakor Mixed Detachment
We had one back in the past why couldn’t we have something now? The Chaos Knights got a tweaked combo list and I think it could have been cool to have some kind of mixed up Chaos Space Marine with Daemons style detachment? Make it a Major Daemon one with only being able to take as many marked units as can of each and just create a really unique style army? Have their rules work off of each other, deal with shadows, and just give all those players who have Disciples of Be’lakor armies a chance to throw some things down. It just feels like something that should be a slam dunk creation and while it is cool to have the four Chaos Gods we should have something to feed Be’Lakor’s ego with some cool new rules to mess around with.
Nidzilla-style Tyranid Detachment All About Carnifexes
I don’t know how many of you played back in the 4th-5th days with the tried and true Tyranid Nidzilla army. It was the army I came back to the game with – mostly to win events and get store credit to build a Chaos Space Marine army while I waited to finish my divorce. It is an army near and dear to me and I would think a smallish big, stompy Carnifex-style army would be awesome to see updated. It doesn’t need to be the giant big bugs but instead benefit these “used” to be big bugs on the tabletop. Just methods to push them to the forefront with things like bonus’s to other herds of Carnifexes if some got the charge in, boosts to their plasma blasts as they are around each other, and just other fun things to try and recreate one of 40K most famous and cherished old-school lists.
Ideas For the Future
What other armies that still have models would we have liked to see? I am sure there could be a whole slew of weird Marine builds for those interesting in recreating some of the old stuff. I know we lost a few leaders so recreating them might be hard beyond some cool relics/enhancements. Heck could you imagine creating an awesome Eviserator like weapon to rebuild the Flesh Tearers? Or how about a Marine army dedicated to control Daemon weapons like the Exorcists?
What else could be neat to show up in a nice little two-page spread that would bring joy to your heart like finding an unopened box of models you forgot about?