Warhammer: Grotmas Calendar Days 1 & 2 Bring The Goods

Games Workshop is unleashing the Grotmas Calendar on us all this December. Here’s what out for days 1 and 2.
Grotmas kicked off with the start of December and we already got a nice gift courtesy of Grandfather Nurgle. And today’s gift is for all those Dark Angel fans out there. So let’s go over them both.
Grotmas Calendar Day 1 – The Flyblown Host
This is a new Detachment for the Death Guard to use. You can download the rules for free right here. Overall, it’s looking promising for the Death Guard to use.
For a deeper dive, our own Goatboy already did a breakdown of the rules. He’s even got an example list to run if you choose to follow his advice. Personally, I’m not much of a Death Guard player so I’ll leave that to you followers of Nurgle to sort out.
Grotmas Calendar Day 2 – The Lion’s Blade
Now, for today we have a new Detachment for the Dark Angels with the Lion’s Blade. This one is also free to download right here.
This is a Detachment for Dark Angel fans who like to run the double-wing of Ravenwing and Deathwing units. The Detachment rules really support that particular play style. Although I think in general this one leans heavier into the Ravenwing. Why? Well, you kind of need Ravenwing units to trigger both of the benefits.
The first bullet point triggers when non monster or vehicle enemy units Fall Back and are in engagement range of a Ravenwing unit. It triggers a Desperate Escape test.
The second bullet point is a nice “sling-shot” for your Deathwing units. They aren’t typically known for being the fastest units around but this helps them catapult into combat. With the aide of the Ravenwing, of course! A +2 to your Charge roll is nothing to sneeze at.
As for the rest of the rules, this Detachment has all the bells and whistles. You’ve got the four Enhancements above as well as six more Stratagems to use as well. And there’s potent ones in the mix that really highlight the synergy of the Double-wing.
Illuminating Fire can buff up your Deathwing shooting thanks to some helpful guiding fire from the Ravenwing. Depending on how you have your Deathwing loaded-up that could end up being some very painful fire coming towards the enemy.
If an enemy unit happens to be in range of both a Ravenwing and Deathwing unit then they get a double whammy of -1 to hit and -1 to wound. And even if they aren’t in range of both, they still get penalized if they are in range of one type of unit. It’s -1 to hit from the Ravenwing or -1 to wound from the Deathwing. That’s just mean.
Overall, I think this is a nice Detachment for Dark Angels players to use in general. But if you’re a fan of running both the Ravenwing and the Deathwing, you really should check this one out. It really does play into that synergy quite a bit.
The Lion Approves!