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Warhammer Grotmas Day 14 – Orky Gifts Arrive With New ‘Taktikal Brigade’ Detachment

3 Minute Read
Dec 14 2024

The Orks are getting their Grotmas Gift with the new Taktikal Brigade Detachment. It’s going to bring the Blood Axes pure joy!

When it comes to orks their favorite thing to do is fight. So a gift that gets them into the fighting is perfect for them! Their new Taktikcal Brigade is a call back to the Blood Axes and has some interesting interactions for a few special units.

via Warhammer Community

“The Orks of the Blood Axe clan seek to apply their own brand of taktiks to their every engagement. The most cunning of kommanders have adapted the strategies of other species into a unique brand of clandestine warfare that, while comparatively simplistic, remains brutally effective.”

Download the Ork Taktikal Brigade Detachment Here

Taktikal Brigade Grotmas Detachment



The theme of this detachment is really about bringing some Kunnin‘  back to ork warfare. You’re being encouraged to take Boss Snikrot and Stormboyz are actually battleline in this detachment. It’s really an unconventional style of ork list — and that’s the point. The detachment rules are called Lissen ‘Ere and they remind me a lot like Astra Militarum Orders. They aren’t 1:1 copies but the concept is very similar.

The enhancements can even help you buff specific units. I think when you’re doing the list building for this army you probably want to focus your build around those in particular. For example Skwad Leader can really benefit a Warboss and a Kommando unit on the tabletop.




Oh hey, look at that: Four enhancements and six Stratagems! No surprise there. However, once again there are some unit specific stratagems in the mix. Krunchin’ Descent is perfect for a unit of Stormboyz to use to generate some mortal wounds. And I feel like we’ve seen some form of Taktikal Retreat in just about every detachment thus far…

Whatever the case, I think this detachment does open up some new avenues of play for Ork players out there. If you’ve got a love of Stormboyz and always wanted to run more this one if for you! And don’t skimp on Boss Snikrot, another Warboss, and a bunch of Kommandos either!


We’re gonna WAAAGH! …but Taktikal like!

Author: Adam Harrison
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