Warhammer Grotmas Day 16 – Even Chaos Daemons Celebrate With These Detachments

Everyone getting gifts for Grotmas. Including warp creatures! The Chaos Daemons have a batch of new detachments for Warhammer 40,000.
Games Workshop is continuing the Grotmas fun with four new detachments for the Chaos Daemon players out there. Get ready for some new ways to field the dangerous and scintillating legions from the Warp!
“Chaos Daemons do not share the agendas of mortals, striking whenever opportunity arises within the unfathomable confines of the Warp, to wreak havoc and sow despair upon whichever unfortunate foe contests them. As is often the case with daemons, however, working in an orderly and cooperative manner isn’t high on their list of priorities, so to further their patron’s goals, some greater daemons will rally their minions and puncture into realspace with violent intent or a grander plan in mind.”
Chaos Daemon Grotmas Detachments
As mentioned, there are FOUR to go over today. So let’s just get this out of the way first. Each detachment comes with four enhancements and six stratagems. That shouldn’t be a surprise. Also, each detachment has a theme that you should probably build around if you’re going to run them. We’ll cover that as we get into each detachment. As far as combos or suggestions Goatboy is going to cover that in more detail. So for now, we’re just going to link back to their respective detachments and you can read them over for yourself (although the synergies are pretty obvious after you read the options).
Legion of Excess
Download the Legion of Excess Detachment Here
The theme of the Legion of Excess is …Slaanesh. But seriously, this is for all your Slaanesh Daemon players out there. You’ll gain the Beguiling Aura ability which lets you charge after falling back. Additionally, after you charge, you can option to use Seductive Gambit. This trades your Fights First ability for re-roll hits and wounds. Honestly, that seems like quite the trade!
This is a detachment that wants to run at you fast and unload in melee. It almost feels like a Khorne detachment. Almost.
Scintillating Legion
Download the Scintillating Legion Detachment Here
Tzeentch is at it again with a new shiny legion detachment to try. The theme of this detachment is Tzeentch, but also re-rolls for you AND your opponent. The Flux dice go back and forth between you and your opponent with this one. I’m not going to lie, this is a strange one. However, there’s some interesting interactions between the Flux tokens and the other enhancements/abilities.
As weird as this one is I’ll take this Flux Token stuff over the fate dice for Tzeentch from AoS anytime. At least the re-rolls are random and not just “auto pass” dice replacements.
Blood Legion
Download the Blood Legion Detachment Here
If you couldn’t tell by the name alone this one is Khorne themed. Khorne Daemon players are going to have a field day with this one. Your first detachment rule is Murdercall. This allows you to surge forward towards enemy units that end their movement with 6″ of your units. This is a D6″ roll and you can move into engagement range with it. Now, you can’t surge if you’re already in engagement range so try to keep the Murdercalling in check.
Blood Tainted is the other rule and it allows your army to lock-down objectives. You have to destroy an enemy unit within range of an objective but once you do that objective is basically yours. The enemy can take it back but they need to have a higher Level of Control over that marker at the end of a phase.
Personally, I think the “not-so surprising” surge move is going to be useful for disrupting the enemy charges. This could really mess-up another melee army that relies on bonuses from charging.
Plague Legion
Download the Plague Legion Detachment Here
And finally we have the Nurgle themed detachment. Melancholic Miasma is the detachment rule. This one doesn’t impress me a ton at first. It basically allows you to force an enemy unit to take a Battle-shock test in each player’s Command Phase. The eligible enemy units are ones that are within 9″ of any Nurgle units. So, you’re going to get to use it fairly frequently. Odds are that the enemy will be failing those tests at some point, too.
This seems like a weird way to trigger Battle-shock effects and also the Daemonic Terror damage. Additionally, there’s also the interactions with Battle-shocked units and the enhancements. So I can see what GW was trying to do with this one. It’s certainly different!
Do you have a favorite Chaos Daemon Detachment from Grotmas? Let us know in the comments!