Warhammer Grotmas Day 19 – Adepta Sororitas Get The ‘Champions of Faith’ Detachment

The Adepta Sororitas are getting their Grotmas gift with a new Detachment. Only the Warhammer 40,000 faithful need apply.
If you’re a Sisters of Battle fan this one is for you! It’s time to bust out the Celestians and lead the charge to victory with the latest Adepta Sororitas detachment. Champions of Faith also allows you to repurpose the Miracle Dice in a new way, too.
“Bound by the promises they have made and sure in the knowledge that they are the finest exemplars of their order, these Champions of Faith stride out with unshakeable purpose and fiercely focused determination to prevail no matter the cost.”
Download the Adepta Sororitas Champions of Faith Detachment Here
Adepta Sororitas Grotmas Detachment – Champions of Faith
The theme of this detachment really is around Celestian Sacresants. You’ll want to load-up on them to take advantage of their extra Objective Control each unit is gaining. But that’s not all this detachment does.
The Righteous Purpose detachment rule also lets you use your Miracle Dice in a different manner. You can discard up to 3 of them in your command phase. For each die you discard you can select one Adepta Sororitas unit. That unit becomes Righteous — which has a slew of benefits.
An extra 1″ of movement, an extra point of Leadership, and an additional +1 to both Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. That’s quite the boon to the units getting the boost!
Now, as far as the rest of the rules this shouldn’t be a shocker. You’ll get four enhancements and six stratagems with the new detachment, too. Keep an eye out for the Mark of Devotion popping up. I think a nasty combo would be to combine that with the Stratagem Suffer Not The Unfaithful on a Righteous unit.
Depending on how you set this one up, you could have a very deadly duelist on your hands. Extra attacks, bonus damage, and either Lethal or Sustained hits? Yeah…that’s gonna hurt.
What do you think of the Sister’s Grotmas gift?