Warhammer: Grotmas Day 3 – Here Come The Tyranids

The Tyranids are getting a gift for Grotmas. It’s the new Warrior Bioform Onslaught Detachment for Warhammer 40,000!
Tyranid Warriors are the most common form of synapse-beast when the Tyranids invade. They aren’t just nodes for the Hivemind to exert control either. Warriors are dangerous and deadly in their own right. With access to all sorts of tools to carve-up biomass the humble Tyranid Warriors form the synaptic backbone of the ground forces in your typical invasion. And now they are getting a few helpful buffs in the new Warrior Bioform Onslaught Detachment!
“Armed with an array of devastating weaponised biomorphs, broods of Tyranid Warriors slaughter their way through any resistance and open a path for hordes of Hormagaunts and Termagants to obliterate all remaining resistance.”
Download the Warrior Bioform Onslaught Detachment Here
Warrior Bioform Onslaught
As a Tyranid player myself, I’ve always been a fan of the Tyranid Warriors. This detachment really elevates them to the forefront as the lynchpin of this particular army setup. For starters, all the Tyranid Warriors and Winged Tyranid Prime units gain a 5+ invulnerable save right off the bat.
Additionally, a Warriors of the ranged or melee variety also gain the Battleline keyword AND Warriors also get an boost to their OC score bringing them up to 3. If you want to run big packs of Tyranid Warriors now is your time to shine!
Additionally, there are four more enhancements which you can see above. I personally like Elevated Might as it allows for a charge after an Advance move. So fast!
On top of those, there’s also six more Stratagems to use. I like Synaptic Amplification for the bonus to Warriors. Re-rolling 1s to both Hit and Wound seems very handy for them. Or if you want to focus on ranged attacks in particular, check out the Parasitic Payload Stratagem.
Not only does this ignore cover, but it can also cause the target to lose the benefit of cover for the rest of the turn! That could be quite spicy with the right biofuel mix if you catch my drift.
If you’re like me and have way too many Tyranid Warriors to use most of the time now you’ve got a detachment perfect for you! Load up the Tyranid Warriors and cut them loose on the tabletop with the Warrior Bioform Onslaught Detachment!
Nom Nom Nom!