Warhammer: Grotmas Day 6 – Reclaim Your Dynasty with this Necron Detachment

Reclaim the Galaxy. The Necrons are getting a gift for Grotmas with the Starshatter Arsenal for Warhammer 40,000.
Games Workshop continues with the Grotmas gifts. Today we have a look at the new detachment for the Necrons and their Starshatter Arsenal. Their enhanced targeting protocols will grant your new maneuver Crypthost new abilities to sweep them to victory!
“An enormous array of arcane mechanical treasures are stored in the grand armouries of the Necron dynasties. Some nobles prefer to wage mobile warfare, using imperious anti‐grav war barques, looming mechanical walkers and supersonic assault craft powered by eldritch technologies to outflank, outrun and eliminate their enemies. As the armoured tide sweeps over the hopelessly outmatched foe, Ghost Arks swoop low to disgorge rank upon rank of skeletal Necron Warriors. Other forms of servile construct and maniacal killing machines join the lethal procession, adding their own cosmic wrath – and when the foe inevitably breaks, dynastic soldiery fused with repulsor‐driven platforms scythe down any who would attempt to flee.”
Necron Starshatter Arsenal Detachment
As with the previous detachments you can download this one for free right here. It’s lore-wise it’s centered around the “Relentless Onslaught” (which is the Detachment special rule) on the battlefield. In terms of “army construction theme or detachments centered on specific units” this one is pretty forgiving. The Detachment abilities work on every unit in your army with extra bonues for NECRON VEHICLE and NECRONS MOUNTED.
Basically, every unit in your army, gets +1 to hit when targettting bad guys within range of Objectives, and your fast movers and mounted stuff have their weapons gain ASSAULT. Nifty!
Your enemies will have a harder time holding those objectives as your army is blasting them right back off of them each turn. You also some some extra tricks to make live even harder for them.
All four of the Enhancements for the detachment are buffs for various units in the army, It’s a mixed set of individual unit weapon buffs and enhanced toughness. The standout Enhancment is Miniaturised Nebuloscope, granting the target unit IGNORES COVER, to let them reach out and blow away an unsuspecting bad guy who thought they were safe.
Naturally, the Starshatter Arsenal also has six more stratagems to use as well. You can see those above. I like the Reactive Reposition stratagem as it allows any unit to get a bonus out of sequence move in your opponent’s shooting phase. For an Detachment that is all about quickly maneuvering, and blasting things off of objectives, anything that further enhances movement in unexpected ways is a plus.
Personally, I think it’s a pretty fun little detachment that focusses on some of the faster and rarer Necrons units as a theme. So regardless of how it fares, it will be great for dusting off some of your rarely used models from your armoury (the dusty back of your display shelf), and trying out something different for your Dynasty.
What do you think of the Necrons new Starshatter Arsenal Detachment?