Warhammer Grotmas Day 9 – ‘Knights’ Get Naught & Nice Gifts

The Imperial and Chaos Knight armies have gotten their Grotmas Calendar goodies delivered. It’s time for some Knight Detachments!
The massive war machines of the Grimdark are getting the gift that keeps on giving from Games Workshop. Two new Detachments are out now and ready for your to download. Time to see how GW switched up the options for the Imperial and Chaos Knights.
The Questor Forgepack
Bound by oaths of fealty or otherwise, many Knightly households enjoy close relations with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Whether answering the Martian priesthood’s calls to arms or prosecuting their own wars of liberation against the Emperor’s foes, noble families often pilot their war suits to battle alongside their Tech‐Priest allies.
Download the Questor Forgepack Detachment Rules Here
For the Forgepact, the main theme here is a combined arms force of Imperial Knights and Adeptus Mechanicus. If you previously sprinkled in the Knights in your Ad Mech armies (or vice versa) then this is the detachment for you. That said, check out the Forge World Allies rule. This particular detachment is more slanted towards the Knights in your collection. The “core” army is Imperial Knights in this case with a limited selection of Ad Mech allies available.
Rules-wise the beating heart of this one is the Cogbound Alliance. This buffs both the Ad Mech and the Knights when the other type of unit is nearby. The Knights get to heal wounds and the Adeptus Mechanicus get a bonus to hit and wound as you can see above. And, as we’ve seen before, there are four total enhancements and six total stratagems included.
There are some dirty tricks in both sections. For example watch out for some “out-of-sequence” shooting from the Imperial Knights thanks to Thronegheist Fury. It might be a long shot because it needs 6s to hit. Then again, I’m pretty sure there are Knight weapons out there that can generate more than a few dice to go fishing for 6s.
The Iconoclast Fiefdom
“When the Fallen Nobles of Iconoclast houses go to war, they are followed by teeming masses of mutants, cultists, and heretic soldiers. These awed mortals offer chanted prayers to these towering beacons of corruption, worshipping them as mechanical idols to the Dark Gods. Rushing forward around clawed feet, these accursed hordes scream battle cries and sing of their devotion as they hurl themselves at the foe.”
Download the Iconoclast Fiefdom Detachment Here
The Chaos Knights are getting the option to add some allies as well. While the selection isn’t listed out their choice of allies is telling. It’s all the keyword “damned” units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Again, there are limits on points based on game size but you can take a nice chunk of allies with your Chaos Knights being the core here.
As far as the Iconoclast Fiefdom’s main detachment rule, Dreaded Masters, the theme for this one is synergizing the “damned” units with the Chaos Knights. The Chaos Knights can sacrifice a “damned” unit (via a leadership check) to gain either Lethal Hits or Sustained Hits 1. On the flip side, Knights also have the Dread Tyrants Aura which gives “damned” units a re-roll for 1s to hit and re-roll 1s to wound.
And hey if you guessed we’d see four enhancements and six stratagems then congratulations! You’ve been paying attention. Personally, I like the Tyrant’s Banner as an enhancement. It’s only 5 points. The bearer can then choose any “damned” unit that’s visible to it for the Dark Sacrifice. That’s instead of just units within 6″. Tactically, this means you could have your “battery” unit pretty far back. But more importantly, I think having a “Tyrant Banner” on an Chaos Knight sounds metal-as-hell! That could be an awesome hobby/modeling project.
Looking to add some allies to your Knights (Chaos or Imperial)? Then these two detachments are for you!