‘Warhammer: The Old World’- The Game’s Five Best Casters

Is this Warhammer: The Old World or is it Herohammer: The Old World, either way these are the most magical hero casters to bring with you.
We’ve all had our hands on The Old World for a bit. The game is starting to shake out. We’ve gotten a decent look at what is good and bad and how people like to play. Today, we are continuing our series, looking at the best units form various categories. We’ve at a lot of infantry such as basic core infantry, elite heavy infantry monstrous infantry and ranged infantry. That’s covered most of the infantry and we’ve gotten into cavalry and chariots.
In fact we’ve gone through the bulk of the unit types! But what thing we have really touched is characters. This can be a really tricky to rate as there are a lot more factors that go into a character than a normal unit. You’ve got not just the character, but also the mounts and a magic items they’ve got access to. On top of that you’ve got their whole role in the army. We’ve already taken a look a the best combat ones, so today its time to dig into who are the best casters in the game.
5. Lord of Change – Chaos Daemons
Tzeentch is the Chaos god that deals with magic and fate, so of course his greater daemons are good casters. In fact Lords of Change are famously powerful casters. They are a lvl 4 and get access to some good lores. On top of that they get a +1 to case from being a Tzeentch daemon. The can basically act as a lvl 5 wizard, something that doesn’t really exist. But… why are they on the bottom of this list? Well, the truth is outside of that they don’t get a whole ton. They also don’t have access to magic items, being limited to handful of daemon upgrades. This for instance means that they can’t upgrade to pick their spells, and must roll. Yes they can get five spells… but there is always a chance in a key game they don’t get the spell you really need. Now obviously a Lord of Change is a much more than a wizard. Butthat isn’t all good anyway, since LoC are much easier to hit than traditional wizards.
4. Chaos Sorcerer Lord – Warriors of Chaos
Oooo, Warriors of Chaos claims another spot on this list! The Mortal followers of Chaos can actually put forth a caster that I think is better than the Lord of Change. They can be a Lvl 4 and if given the Mark of Tzeentch they can also get a +1 to cast, though they have fairly limited lore selection. However they do get some of the best lores. They are also a super flexible charecter, with the option to be on foot, mounted, on a chariot or even a dragon. They are also one of the better fighters among top tier wizards and can wear armor! On top of all that the get access to some really stellar magic items for casters, possibly the best in the game.
3. Slann Mage Priest – Lizardmen
It’s toad time! The Slann mage-priest is a classic powerful wizard dude. They are a normal lvl 4, but get access to very nice selection of spells, one of the few to get High Magic. They also get Disciples of the Old Ones, which lets them do some things no other caster can do, such as loading up on a ton of signature spells. The option to cast through a Skink Priest is also great and really extends their threat range. Outside of the casting however they do kind of suck and have some major drawbacks. Not being able to join units is a major bummer. However, they just do some things that no other caster can.
2. High Elf Archmage – High Elves
Yep, we’ve got elves. While the Archmage might not have a ton of tricks, they are just a really strong caster. They are a Lvl 4, of course, get access to some banger lores, and the flexibility of being on foot or mounted, up to being on a dragon. Build them how you want. Of course what really puts them so high on the list is Lileath’s Blessing. This lets them re-roll a failed cast once a turn. That’s… um, that’s really good. This makes them a very reliable wizard. They’ve also got access to good magic items and can end up being pretty tanky. A great choice.
1. Tomb Kings High Priest – Tomb Kings
On the face of it the High Priest seems like just an OK caster. They are a Lvl 4 with access to a fairly limited lore selection. They get to heal stuff, which is not technically casting, but is still great, and they do have the option of being mounted or foot, with a dragon mount. It’s not bad, but its not stellar. And if we were just talking about normal Tomb Kings they wouldn’t even make the list. But of course what we are really talking about is a High Priest in a Mortuary Cult list.
Now all High Priests can benefit from nearby Casket of Souls to get a +1 to cast. This is pretty nice, but doesn’t make them crazy. However Cult Priests can do wounds to friendly units (which they can later heal) to get up to an extra +3 to cast. That means any important spell you are casting is going to be at a +8. That’s twice what a normal Lvl 4 does. It basically means as long as you don’t miscast the spell will cast and it’s next to impossible to dispel. There is even a way to get up to a +12 to cast a single spell… which is pretty crazy. The +8 to cast isn’t even locked behind any limit, so you can have multiple High Priests doing that. No other casters get close to the bonuses to cast as a High Priest. They are by far the most reliable and hardest to dispel casters around.
Let us know what wizards you like best, down in the comments!