WotC/Archetype’s Upcoming AAA Game, ‘Exodus’, Will Have A Tabletop RPG Too

Exodus, the upcoming sci-fi RPG from Archetype Entertainment (one of WotC’s big game dev studios) will also have a tabletop RPG.
Archetype Entertainment, the Austin-based video game studio founded under WotC’s digital umbrella and developer of the upcoming Matthew McConaughey-empowered sci-fi RPG Exodus, announced a tabletop RPG (ttrpg) set in the same universe. And while that might have been unexpected, it’s not totally out of left field either.
Not only is it a studio under WotC, but Archetype Entertainment also comprises many of the folks at Arcanum Worlds, including and especially James Ohlen. Ohlen is a name closely entwined with both video games and D&D – a name you might recognize from KOTOR, Neverwinter nights, and Baldur’s Gates 1 & 2.
Exodus Gets TTRPG From Developers of Odyssey of the Dragonlords And Chains of Asmodeus
You might also recognize Arcanum Worlds as the folks behind last year’s Chains of Asmodeus. CoA was one of the better 5E books in recent years. It makes sense. WotC has the apparatus in place to make tabletop RPGs. Companion RPGs for popular video games do pretty well. Case in point, Neopets, the Tabletop RPG, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars before anyone had any idea how the game would actually play.
This is good because, right now, details about the Exodus ttrpg are sparse. But then again, so are details about Exodus itself. Even the teaser videos don’t reveal a ton. But there is one great opportunity that the Exodus TTRPG has: the chance to play as awakened space bears.
And just in case you think I’m joking, here’s Matthew McConaughey saying “Awakened Bears” in the somber tones normally reserved for a Lincoln Continental.
There are also Awakened Ravens and possibly many more things that we’ll see in the coming months. But trust me, as someone who’s played RPGs for a while, if the Exodus TTRPG doesn’t feature the option to play as Awakened Bears, it will be literally unplayable.
Exodus TTRPG – But What Else Do We Know?
I know precious little else about the game right now. Here’s a rundown of the announcement:
“This special FOUNDERS TTRPG edition was created by James Ohlen, the creative visionary behind the highly anticipated EXODUS video game.
Face the challenges of this dark and dangerous futuristic world, set in the expanded universe of the EXODUS video game. Your destiny is to lead the Travelers, in the hunt to steal alien weapons and technology from the most powerful enemy in this universe – the Celestials.”
In addition to all that, there’s the element of time dilation, which is featured heavily in the trailers. It seems like an essential part of the setting – and the features in the Exodus ttrpg announcement, too. That’ll be a neat trick if they can pull it off. I’m all for it if they’re making big swings with a companion RPG. But that’s a big if.
In the meantime, you can learn more about the game at the link below. As part of the “Founders special” going on right now, there’s a special discount for people who are already convinced they want to give the game a try.
If the art is anything to go by, this game will be alright, alright, alright!