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Age of Sigmar: Orruk Warclans New Regiments of Renown Rules Preview

3 Minute Read
Jan 3 2025

The Big Waaagh! is on the way. Check out the rules preview for two Regiments of Renown for the Orruk Warclans in Age of Sigmar!

Gork or Mork? Why not both?! It’s time for the Orruk Warclans to bring the pain in 2025. They are getting two more Regiments of Renown and it’s going to be one Big Waaagh! Kruleboyz and Ironjaws fighting as one? What could possibly go wrong…

via Warhammer Community

“The Kruleboyz and Ironjawz pursue such different methods of warfare that they are treated as totally separate armies inĀ Battletome: Orruk Warclans. But sometimes the power of the twin-headed god Gorkamorka throws them all into such a palaver that they cast aside their differences and band together in an all-consuming Big Waaagh!.”

Army of Renown – Big Waaagh!

This army of Renown brings both parts of the Orruk Warclans together. While most Armies of Renown have restrictions on what you can include this one is a little different. It works as long as you take an equal number of units from each sub-faction of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. By doing so, you unlock some potent powers.

Faster Ironjawz and deadlier Kruleboyz is mean no matter how you slice it. So keep an eye out for the units that get infused with the Power of the Waaagh!.

Another fun feature of this Army of Renown is that you’ll be able to dish out two of the four Heroic Traits to your new Orruk “Bosses” in the list. You can give out one Heroic Trait to one non-unique Kruleboyz AND Ironjawz hero! Time to be brutal and cunnin’.


The Regiments of Renown

If you don’t want to go all-in with the Orruk Warclans there’s still some options. First up we have Da Hurtlin’ Hogz which brings on all the ham you could possibly need. Bringing a Tuskboss on Maw-grunta and a unit of Maw-grunta Gougers unlocks this gnarly ability:

A bonus D6″ boost that ups their momentum points? I feel for anyone who gets caught up in that Hog Stampede!

The other option is for the Kruleboyz side of things. Da Koutin’ Krew bring the boom — and I mean literally. With the Bombz Away, Ladz! rule you opponent won’t be able to hide from these bomb-tossing boyz.


And in case you were wondering, there’s still two more Armies of Renown in the new battletome, too. The Orruk Warclans are getting their new battletome up for pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop! Get ready for WAAAGH!!!


It’s Krumpin’ Time.

Author: Adam Harrison
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