Batman: Gotham City Chronicles – Gamefound Campaign Brings 127 Miniatures & More

The Batman Gotham City Chronicles: The Roleplaying Game has a new Gamefound crowdfunding campaign with 127 miniatures and more!
Monolith Boardgames is back with a new crowdfunding campaign. This time it’s for the Batman: Gotham City Chronicles – The Roleplaying Game. I’ve been keeping an eye on this one simply because 1) I like RPGs and 2) I’m a sucker for cool miniatures. This campaign seems to have both on lockdown. If you’re a fan of Batman you are going to want to check this one out.
Batman Roleplaying Game?
So I could have sworn I’d seem something like this before. That’s because we have. Monolith ran a similar Kickstarter Campaign for the Batman: Gotham City Chronicles board game back in 2023. It was a successful run and this was sort of the first real crack at getting the board game contents and also the RPG books. As far as I can tell from their updates to that campaign, those pledges should have shipped/are on the way as well. So I would think that was a good sign. I didn’t back this one so I can’t tell you for sure about the quality or completeness of the product.
Now let’s talk about this new Gamefound project. Also this isn’t a paid sponsorship or advertisement. I was just genuinely curious about this one because of the two reasons I mentioned above. So I did some digging and here’s what I found out.
There’s basically two parts to this particular Gamefound project. There’s the RPG part — the “Skyline Edition” pledge option. The other part is the “Sidekick” content. That’s the 127 miniatures that caught my attention:
I do apologize about the formatting for this next image but it’s from their Gamefound page and, well, you know how those campaigns need to have 16000 pixel vertical images (apparently). At least this one is cropped a bit:
I know it’s not perfect to see the miniatures, but the sculpts look impressive. And again, if some of these seem familiar it might be due to the previous Kickstarter campaign.
These images are from the previous campaign as part of the “Gotham City In Flames” addon option.
I spotted the Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) miniature in the huge spread. I don’t see the other three sculpts as a part of this project however. That said, if you backed the previous campaign, I’m sure these will all work together. It’s an RPG afterall.
More Crowdfunding Campaign Details
The campaign also features a TON of other content. Aside from all the books you’d need to dive into Batman’s world of crimefighting, there’s also a BUNCH of tile maps, locations, dice, and dice trays to roll in. It’s an almost overwhelming amount of stuff here.
There are also a bunch of reviews, unboxings, and actual plays featured on their Gamefound page. But I want to cut through all that and point out a few things. Monolith has history going in their favor. They are pretty far along in the development and logistics on this project which is a good thing:
To be fair, this image is provided by them and we have no way to verify those percentages…but the fact that there are products out there being reviewed is a good sign.
They are also on schedule for all of their previous campaigns. They boldly state the following:
You could say they have a proven track record for hitting their milestones here. Although 2023 wasn’t that long ago but hey — at least they’ve made some changes to ensure stuff gets out the door!
With that said here’s were we get into some of the sticky parts. First up is the shipping and taxes portion of the details:
These are also ESTIMATES. Ideally, they won’t vary between the when the campaign concludes and the Pledge Manager kicking off. However, I DO want to reiterate shipping and taxes could change dramatically for folks in the US. My advice to prepare for the worst case shipping/tax price as to not get slapped with sticker shock.
The other thing I wanted to call out was their estimated delivery date of January 2026. Monolith does have this statement to clarify:
There’s a chance this product could ship sooner. But I don’t have any other details that what’s on the Gamefound page. So if you’re okay with waiting upwards of a year to get your pledge in your hands, then go for it.
Personally, I’m still on the fence about this one. While I AM a sucker for miniatures I’m a little concerned about the materials used. I would have liked to see more of the actual production miniatures shown off but it seems like they are still a bit off from that. But I’m also super interested in an RPG set in the Batman Universe. I really like that you can even play as just a low-level thug or cop!
Goal Reached…Now We Wait
As of time of publishing, the Gamefound campaign has already hit it’s goal. It’s over 282% funded (and growing). There’s 11 days left in the campaign as well.
Again, there’s a LOT of stuff that’s available and a bunch of really cool looking sculpts for miniatures. If you’re interested in this one pop over to there page and do some digging on your own. I’m very tempted to back this one myself. But I’m on the fence because of the concerns I mentioned above. But if you’re braver and bolder than I am then swing into action. Good luck Gothamites — your city needs you!
That’s a lot of really cool miniatures…