D&D: Five Low-Level Spells For A Quick Escape

Have to get away, but can’t cast Dimension Door yet? Don’t worry, these five low level spells can help you get away in a hurry.
Running away will solve almost all of your problems. And when it comes to running away “to” doesn’t really matter, especially not as much as the “from.” You don’t even have to be a high level character with access to spells like Teleport or Plane Shift or Dimension Door to get away.
In fact, here are five low level spells that can help you get away from your problems. Run. Hide. All of the above. These spells are here to help.

Invisibility is a classic. It’s a spell that does everything you think it should. Cast the spell, and you get a whole hour of invisibility. Think of the things you can accomplish with that kind of time. With the ability to run away freely without folks being able to see where you’re going.
Sure, you might have to worry aout them tracking you down later. But that’s a problem for future you, and future you is already running at present. And as long as all you do is move, then you won’t even break the spell early. This 2nd level spell is one oft he best get away spells of any level.
Disguise Self

Sometimes a problem is a YOU problem. Well, with Disguise Self, you don’t have to be YOU. At least not on the outside. With this spell, you can change your appearance to be anything or anyone. It’s a surprisingly effective spell, as long as you never let anyone get close enough to touch you and feel the difference.
But with this spell, a dwarf can lookk like an orc, a dragonborn like a tiefling, and a human can look like another, much more wildly different human. This humble 1st level spell also conveniently vanishes when it’s done. So you can change back into yourself if whoeveryou’re running from doesn’t know who you are.

Arguably, Sanctuary is the ultimate get away spell. It stops all hostilities pretty much on the spot. As long as your opponents can’t make a good Wisdom save. When you cast this spell, as a Bonus Action mind, no creature can target you with an attack roll or damaging spell unless they can first make a saving throw. And if they fail, they have to pickk another target or the action is wasted.
Rope Trick

This handy get away spell works only if you have a few moments of privacy. It creates the ultimate hiding space: an extradimensional pocket reality that only the spellcaster and their allies can choose to be in. You hide in an invisible extradiensional plane, but first you have to shimmy up a rope and pull it up behind you. Manage this, and no one can find you, and even if they somehow manage to find the extradimensional space, they still can’t attack you across the portal.
Calm Emotions

Or just cast Calm Emotions and get away from all this like, hostility, man. With this spell, you can literally have someone take a chill pill. It makes creatures who are Hostile become Indifferent instead. This is usually enough to put a stop to ongoing hostilities long enough to safely get away.
Now you know how even low-level characters can run away like their life depends on it!