D&D Haunting Revenant Preview: This Haunted House Monster Will Trap You & Eat Your Soul—Sort Of

WotC unveiled at least a partial stat block for the new Haunting Revenant. Come see how much damage a haunted house can really do.
How would you fight a haunted house? That’s the implicit question WotC is asking with its latest new Monster Manual stat block reveal. The massive mauling manor better known as the Haunting Revenant is a beast. Although, if it’s meant to be at the higher end, we learned that it’s only CR 10.
And while we don’t know if this is the full stat block or not, it does seem more complete than, say, the Gold Dragon from last week. At any rate, here’s a look at what the haunting revenant can do.
Haunting Revenant Stat Block Reveal
Right from the jump, this monster is a beast. With 203 average hit points it’s pretty tough. Though it may well be worth rolling or adjusting the total to represent different types of structures or objects. Because you have 14d20 + 56 to play with, and that gives you anywhere from 70-336 hit points to play with. If you’ve never rolled monster hit points, I recommend it some time.
Especially since, as we learn a little lower down, that the haunting revenant can possess any Gargantuan object or structure. In the Undead Restoration ability, we see what it takes to kill the haunting revenant permanently as well as what all it can possess.
Haunting Revenants – Why Don’t You Come on in Here
Aside from its massive pool of hit points and an AC of 20, which makes it decently hard to hit, the haunting revenant has really only two real attacks. Its object slam—an attack that could be many different things, from biting someone with its haunting mouth to just dropping a house on them.
This seems to be the direction WotC is moving with monsters. Instead of multiple specific attacks, creatures have one or two generic attacks. After all, flavor is free, as they say. But its object slam hits like, well, a ton of bricks. Especially since it has advantage if you’re inside its space.
Which you may well be, since the haunting revenant’s other attack, Invitation, teleports you inside the revenant if you fail your save. While inside the haunted house, the haunting revenant has advantage with its attacks. You can only escape with magic that allows planar travel, like Plane Shift—BUT, that magic might not save you. It’s haunted zone prevents magic from being cast while inside, meaning that spellcasters who get swallowed up by the haunting revenant are in a bad way indeed.
And that’s the haunting revenant! See more – including the graveyard revenant, in the 2025 Monster Manual!