D&D: Here Are Magic Arrows Enough to Make Hawkeye Jealous

Keep your quiver packed full of power with some of D&D’s best magical arrows. Hawkeye and Green Arrow shouldn’t have all the fun.
One of the best things about being an archer in D&D is that your magic bow and your magic arrows can work in concert. This means that, with the right loadout, you can pile on a surprising amount of extra damage with every hit. So long as you have enough magical arrows.
And with so many to choose from, it’s hard to go wrong. There are many ways to deliver a powerful punch at range. Here are some of our favorites.
Walloping Arrow
Take the whole Green Arrow/Hawkeye thing literally, and grab an arrow that packs a punch. No really. Walloping arrows have the potential to knock targets they hit prone. Sure, it’s only a DC 10 saving throw, so these start to fall off eventually, but especially at the early levels, having the ability to knock an enemy at range prone can help you dictate the flow of the fight.
Dried Leech
This is a handy, if gross, magical “arrow.” A Dried Leech is a leech that has been magially dried and imbued with magic so that it can be used as an arrow. When it hits a target, a dried leech animates and sinks its teeth into the target, dealing 1d4 points of piercing damage at the start of each turn until it deals 10 damage or the creature uses an action to remove the leech, making it the gift that keeps on giving.
Bloodseeker Arrow
A favorite magic arrow for those D&D games where you just can’t roll well. Bloodseeker arrows are magically enchanted to seek out wounded creatures. Meaning you’ll have advantage on attack rolls against targets who don’t have all their hit points. A handy way to ensure you keep your accuracy at its absolute highest with every shot.
+1/+2/+3 Arrow
These are “generic” magic arrows. But they are also force multipliers. A +1 arrow provides a +1 bonus to both attack rolls and damage rolls. These bonuses stack with that of your magic bow. So a +3 Longow firing a +1 arrow will have +4 to hit and +4 to damage, and so on and so forth. These humble magic arrows are how archers in D&D can pile on the damage. Don’t sleep on them, they may seem plain, but these magic arrows are indispensable.
Arrow of Slaying
Of course, when you absolutely have to kill the thing you’re shooting at, consider the arrow of slaying. This magic arrow has been enchanted to slay creatures of a particular type, such as Dragon or Aberration or Humanoid. When you hit a creature with an arrow of slaying, they make a DC 17 Constitution save, and if they fail their save, they take an extra 6d10 force damage. Or half if they make their save. Either way, it’s still a whole heap of extra damage.
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