Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘No Chicken Wing’

It’s another Rumor Engine from Games Workshop and this one could be a wing. Or a leg apparently. Take a look for yourself.
Welcome to another Tuesday which means a brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. This one is one of those “obvious but vague” images from GW. It doesn’t help that the RE team seems to be playing a bit of a prank. Anyhow, take a look at then let’s get into it.
We like to have a laugh here in the Warhammer Community transgression cube – though not too much in case the flensing barbs puncture a lung – but sometimes there comes an image that’s simply too obvious for jocularity…
Whose leg is this then?
Rumor Engine – No Chicken Wing
I’m really not sure where the whole “whose leg is this then?” is supposed to mean. Perhaps it’s just a reference to a joke or comment from some other Rumor Engine. Anyhow, we’re looking at what appears to be a wing. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t look like a natural wing. There’s no feather details on this side of the wing for example. That leads me to believe these are either mechanical or some sort of divine inspiration.
They kind of remind me of Saint Celestine’s wings in some ways. But those could also be from some other faction in 40k.
For example the Blood Angels are a not opposed to wings on things. And there’s also Dark Angels, and many other Space Marine options, too. On the flip side, there’s also the Stormcast Eternals from AoS to consider. I think there’s a fairly large range of factions to consider for these wings overall.
That’s where you come in! If you’ve got any other ideas or thoughts on these wings we’d love to see them in the comments. If you’ve got a particularly strong reason they might be a particular faction I’m open to suggestions. But I think we can all agree…that’s not a leg.
I could go for a Chicken Leg today…